Blog #2
School on saturday is kinda evil. I don’t really want to go but I got up because of my alarm and i’m waking up so I might as well. Damn I’m tired. Ugh. Oh well. I want perfect attendance anyway, I’m just bitching for no real reason. I’d show up anyway probably.
Yawn. Was an interesting night last night. Bill and I stayed up and chatted and talked. We were talking about classes and whatnot and I showed him my assignment for the exagerrate because he said he was having trouble writing an 1000 page short story because it wasn’t enough words. My previous assignment was to take something very important to you but something that was bothering you and to make it so big that you couldn’t help but laugh at it. I talked with the teacher and we discussed how that didn’t really apply to me; I don’t use humor to deal with my problems…by making them ‘bigger’ you only make the problems worse, for me. Same with minimalizing. I try to be realistic about them and then you see them for what they really are; just simple temporal problems that’ll fade away soon enough. She told me that another aspect of the problem was that it needed to open you up into your ‘right brain’ and that I needed to be creative about it. I told her I could and I would be.
I was lazy, though. I couldn’t think of any way of approaching it. So I started skimming everything else I’ve already written because there are a LOT of examples of where I deal with problems by thinking about them and then ascertaining where I am in regards to them and then just moving that way. No problem at all. I eventually came upon my ‘kite’ entry. I thought it was perfect, so I rewrote a lot of it but kept the idea and added quite a bit on as well to ‘show’ how I was dealing with it. Honestly, the ending kinda killed the mood and the ‘essence’ of the entry but the teacher really wanted the people to show how they were ‘weakening the problems power over you’ so I had to be obvious with a hammer. Meh. Oh well. But I showed it to him. Interesting feeling to be able to show a friend something very serious about yourself. Hrm. Hopefully he got the idea though; for stories that short all you have to do is present a single idea or feeling as powerfully as you can. That’s all.
Meh, I need to get ready. Hitting snooze killed my writing time, lol. I’ll write more once I get back from the lab, I think. I need to start walking to class soon. See you.