So I’m back from the cruise
We went to the Cayman Islands, Cozumel (Mexico), Belize, and Honduras
It was so much fun

In the Caymans I got to play with wild stingrays and kissed a few of them
(It’s said if you kiss a girl stingray you get 7 years of good luck! And I kissed like 4 of them so I’m set for awhile!!)

In Mexico I didn’t get very far off the boat
My mom said that my sister and I could drink
We drank A LOT!!!
We went to Senor Frog’s and they have cups called "The Yard"
They really are a yard tall!
Well I got a Ticket to Fly which had a few types of rum and other stuff in it
Then I decided to get one of their Margaritas
I swear they put extra in mine
Cause it was quite difficult to taste the Margarita mix there was so much tequila in it
And to make it worse my mom saw me with my 2 empty cups
And asked if I wanted another drink
I was already spinning after the other ones
She took my empty cups (cause you can keep them)
And handed me her other Margarita (which she had like 3 sips out of)
So more or less I was TRASHED by the end of the 3rd drink
And so was my sister
She had some other stuff… Not sure what they were but she had 2 "Yards" and then a mug that was Liter sized… LITER!!!
My sister weighs 120 pounds soaking wet and she had all that to drink
And since their is no drinking age in Mexico we had SOOO much fun!
And we both had at least 3 or 4 guys hitting on us and kissing us the entire time we were there!
Which isn’t so good
Cause we both are spoken for
But when we were done drinking we went back to the boat
And decided to take pictures and make videos
Lets just say they would be rated R for language and adult material (YEA!!!)

In Belize we went on ziplines
Which are like GIANT bungee cords and they clip you to them and you just slide down
Except for the fact that we were all eaten alive by ants and mosquitos (and I’m allergic to ants)

In Honduras we went and played with parrots and monkees
Then went snorkeling
It was fun…. Not amazing but fun

Then the last night on the ship my sister and I were in a show
We sang in an audition karoake thing
And we won the audition things
So we were in a show
I was Gloria Estefan
And my sister was Britney Spears
It was cool but scary
I had this poofy curly hair

But now I’m home and bored
And have a boat load of laundry to do before I leave for South Carolina this weekend

On the plus side I got to talk to my boyfriend for the first time in a week today
And I miss him even more now!
It sucked cause he wants to be a Marine and while I was on the cruise, at dinner, they had 2 formal dress nights and there were 2 Marines in full uniform
And it made me miss him even more
So I’m gonna stop cause this is long enough already…

Sure to be more to come later!

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June 23, 2008

wb…you have been missed!