
I had not done either of these, so i decided that since time is running out I might as well go ahead and do these…just as a record! ENJOY!!

Pregnancy Survey #1

When Did You Find Out: Valentine’s Day 2006…a date to remember!


When Are You Due: October 18, 2006, but they are inducing me on October 4th, 2006


How Old Were You When You Got Pregnant: 20, but a mature 20!! 🙂

Were You In A Relationship: yes


Who Was The First Person You Told: my first cousin Jai, who is like my sister since I am an only child


After That: my cousin Alicia, since I had to meet her for lunch and then Brandian (the father of the baby), then I told my mom the next day (2-15) and my dad (2-16). I was hoping that my mom would tell my dad, but she made me!

Did You "Know" You Were Pregnant Before You Took The Test:  Actually no…I just thought I was getting sick.  I went in to get a test to make sure the UTI  I had was gone and it was, but they told me I was pregnant!

What Do You Plan On Naming Your Baby: Braylon Lewis 


When Did You Find Out The Sex Of The Baby: May 24, 2006


Pregnancy Lows: the abnormalities, and the fact that he is so big it usually hurts when he moves, which is alot 


Pregnancy Highs: Him moving…any time I get down or question what is going on and how I am going to make it, he always kicks and it gives me a high that no drug could ever compete with. 


Have You Been Sick A Lot: In the beginning I thought my death would be caused by morning sickness. 


Any Complications Thus Far: The abnormalities in my uterine and umbilical cord arteries….that’s it! 


Do You Have Any Cravings: IHOP!! and fruit!  I could eat 10 gallons of strawberries, 15 peaches, & 1 million seedless grapes in one day!  J/K!


Who Do You Plan On Having In The Room With You When You Have The Baby: My mommy :D, Brandian, Jai and my dad can come and go as he pleases (cuz I love him that much!!).  Brandian’s mom wants to be in there, but I really don’t want her in there because we just aren’t that close. 


Will You Breastfeed Or Bottlefeed: Breastfeed


Where Will Baby Sleep: In a bassinet by my bed for the first couple of months and then a crib.


Will You Have To Work When The Baby’s Born, Or Will You Get To Stay At Home: I will work (maybe), but I will be enrolled in school full time.

Pregnancy Survey #2

About You


Name?: Contrecia

Age?: 20

Height?: 5’8.5"

Pre-pregnancy weight?: 190


About The Father

Name?: Brandian

Age?: 29

Height?: 5’9"

Are you still together?: Yes



About Your Pregnancy

Is this your first pregnancy?: my first one carried to term


When did you find out you were pregnant?: February 14th


Was it planned?: nope I had decided to focus on school so that I could fully provide for my child and be out of college, but obviously God had other plans for me!


What was your first reaction?: shocked and sort of scared


Who was with you when you found out?: A nurse at the University of Memphis’ Health clinic 


Who was the first person you told?: my cousin Jai 


How did your parents react?: shocked and scared about what I would do with my future, but that has completely changed and now they are ready to meet the little guy and they are so happy that i have already enrolled in a college closer to home…a whole lot closer ( I was 3 hours away, now I will be 20 minutes….haha BIG CHANGE!) 


How far along are you?: 35.5 weeks


What was your first symptom?: Sick and fever


What is your due date?: Oct. 18th


Do you know the sex of the baby?: Yes


If so, what is it?: a boy


Have you picked out names?: yes


If so, what are they?: Braylon Lewis


How much weight have you gained?: like 15 lbs. and it is all tummy! YAY!!!!!!!


Do you have stretch marks?: OMG, do I? Yes on my stomach, by my belly button and no where else!


Have you felt the baby move?: Yes, he got his foot stuck in my rib for the first time this week and then he pulled it out….I wanted to call 911. 


Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes


About the birth

Will you keep the baby?: yeah


Home or hospital birth?: Hospital


Natural or medicated birth?: I’m gon’ try it natural.  Everyone laughs and says that since I got 5 tattoo’s and have had about 3 piercings I should be able to take birth, but I say shit what do they know!



Who will be in the delivery room with you?: My mommy, Brandian, Jai, and my daddy ( at some times because my grandfather lives with us and he can’t be at home by himself that long, also my daddy has to work nights ( he is a policeofficer) 


Will you breastfeed?: Yes


Do you think you’ll need a c-section?: I hope not, but I heard first time inductions usually end up that way!


Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: Yes either that or sigh because it will be over!

What is the first thing you might say to him/her?: Hey stink-stink ( my nickname for him!)…I love you!


Would you let someone videotape the birth?: nope, don’t want any video tapes of my ho-ha out there in the world.  People begin to look for revenge and ain’t no telling what they’ll do to get even. 


Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: a little bit of both….I am excitied  because my son will be here, but scared because this is my first time and i don’t know what to expect.

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