

So, I know it has been a long time since I wrote in my diary here, but I have just been in a rut! I mentioned a while back that the umbilical cord arteries had started to measure abnormal (doctor really won’t explain it).  So the week after that, at the next scan, everything was normal.  The next week my uterine arteries were abnormal (this would be last week).  My blood pressure had started creeping up, so now I take blood pressure pills twice a day.  So yesterday I had another scan ( I get an ultrasound every week….) and where last week it was just one uterine artery, this week it was both uterine arteries and one of the umbilical cord arteries.  He scored 8 out of 8 on his Biophysical Profile, and my fluids are fine, but they want to wait until something goes terribly wrong with either me or him to talk about delivery.  I cried all yesterday because they make it seem so minute.  So i called my family doctor, who is in cohorts with my ob-gyn and asked him the consequences of these abnormalities…..and he said my risk for high blood pressure increases (check already got that), and then my fluid levels start to taper off, and he begins to lose weight and becomes small for his gestational age. (Now know that I asked my ob-gyn and she always went around the question, never giving me an answer.)  I refuse to wait until my son is a jeopardy because she doesn’t feel like delivering him.  Next week, another scan of course, and fetal weight.  My mom is going with me to this one and if things are still abnormal then I am going oto ask about induction or scheduling a c-section for either 36.5 weeks or 37 weeks.  I would rather him be out a little early  than be in and something go wrong and then I feel compelled to hurt the damn doctor.  But i want ya’lls opinion….is that the right thing to do…..I am just so lost and I don’t want to take any chances on something being wrong with my child. Any advice would be helpful!

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