Pregnancy/ parenting debates *EDIT




These are my thoughts and opinions on MY childbirth wants and MY parenting.  You can leave notes with what you believe or if you disagree with me,but honestly it won’t change these opinions that I have.  That doesn’t make me closed minded, that just makes me confident in my own choices.  Thank you!

Pregnancy Precautions:  I avoid alot of things.  Mainly because they don’t appease me anymore.  I try to stay away from carbonated drinks, but they are so good.  I think I have had a total of 3 caffiene drinks and they were all 12 ozs. each and I did not even finish the coke because my stomach started to hurt. (NOTE: carbonated is totally different from caffienated!)  I am not good at taking the vitamins because I have to take mine at night so I won’t get to sick, but by the time it’s time to take my pill I am so zonked out from my day I totally forget.  (Please don’t stone me, my child is still healthy!)

Medicated vs Natural Birth: I plan on going natural, mainly because my parents, but I will take something in my IV for pain.  I would like to enjoy the birth and not be engulfed in pain for the total time of my labor, unless however I have a birth like my friend did about a month ago.  She went into labor at home, and did not think anything of it and went to get induced and she was 85% effaced and 5 centimeters dialated and she was at the hospital a total of 30 minutes befor she pushed and had a beautiful baby girl.  Isn’t that the dream labor?

Home birth vs Hospital birth:  My dad was born at home, but I won’t be going through that.  I am definately going to the hospital, if I have any say so.  You know no matter how much I plan for this it will probably not go this way. **EDIT  I know I have a say so in whether hospital or not, but i was talking about if the baby comes before I have a chance to get completely to the hospital….like when I am en route to the hospital.

Non-Medically Necessary C-Sections:  To me its pointless.  Induction is totally understandable, but getting a c-section just so you won’t be pregnant anymore…..I am not going to say anything in order not offend others that may have used this option! NEXT!

Circumcision: If I have a son I will be getting him circumsized during our stay at the hospital. I’d just rather have it done now then not getting it done and later down the road him having to go through it and remembering the pain.  AGAIN THIS IS MY CHOICE SO YOU CAN SHOVE IT…..ok?

Infant Ear Piercing: If I have a girl then yes she will be getting her ears pierced as an infant, seeing that is what my mom did with me.  I have had my ears pierced since i was 4 months, I got my secongd hole at 7 years old for my birthday. Now if I have a boy he can get his ears pierced later in life, probably during middle school or something like that.  His father has both ears pierced, so I will not deny my child that.  My dad has his ears pierced and he is 43……..enough on that.

 Breastfeeding: I would love to breastfeed, and I am going to try.  I have heard the horror stories about spoiling the baby, and it hurting like hell, but I still am willing to try.  I will probably pump and give the bottle as well, as not to limit myself or my child to just the breast.

Co-Sleeping: I will not co-sleep just because my baby cousin just died in March and he co-slept.  That hit too close to home.  Plus the baby will be sleeping in my room in a crib close to my bed.

Discipline/Spanking: I will be spanking my child.  Timeout is only good for so long (first couple of years), then it will be spanking.  I was spanked and I learned my lessons and my family still whoops kids…its okay by my standards.  A child will see that they can do something and only hear no or go to timeout and the behavior is probably going to be repeated.  I will be spanking!

TV/Video Games: I had a tv in my room and I turned out just fine. Graduated in the top 10% of my class, don’t have to pay for anything in college.  And I watched the junk on TV.  I can recite a commercial from my childhood in a moment.  I believe it is okay for a child to have TV in it’s life as long as emphasis is also put on education by the parents.  Same with video games….I had every video game system up until a couple of years ago because I grew out of it, but….i turned out fine.  Again his/her father has all the game  systems so who am I to deny him/her that right.  Anyways I am pretty sure B will teach him/her to play.

Stay at home moms vs Working moms: If you want to stay at home, then by all means do it.  I am in college for a reason and I will be using my degree.  I will not waste 4 years of my life in college just to have a degree hanging on my wall.  HELL NAW!  My mom could have been a stay at home mom she was for the first three years of my life, but she decided to work and I went to day care.  Hell I was in day care from 3 years old up until 12.  Again no damage done, as a matter of fact I had more interaction with kids and that was not something I really got at home with my mom.  I mean me and my mom are inseperable, but it has always been like that.  I will work and that is final.

Religion: I was raised Christian and my child will be raised to be a

Christian, no questions about it.  My child will definately know about the Bible and God.

Again as stated before these are my opinions, and I am going to put my notes on public so we can discuss this if wanted.

It is storming so bad, it just started about 13 minutes ago and the rain is already standing about 4-5 inches off the ground!


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jus wanted 2 say hi and take care *~*brianna & ty’jhawn*~*

I love this entry. I have been breastfeeding for 5 1/2 months. It is well worth it and a very special bond between mom/baby. The first month or so is kinda hard but it gets much easier. I wish I would have bfeed my 1st longer. We seem to have a lot in common on these issues.