living in a fantasy

In this site there are alot of people who search for understanding and acceptence.

Why is it like that? They seek for people who will help them. Why is it like that that

meny people help but MOST people only need help? How is that possible? Who is "Him" and

who is not "Him" ask I? What makes the joy of the pain so attractive to all of you

people!!! My cute two lovers Hate and Jelousy? To feel real joy must be to find ways of

helping other people and not wanting help? You all are like soldiers. You will begin to

fight people when a war starts but this is different. You won’t be mobilized to kill

people but to kill the daemons inside you and at least try to kill it in the hearts of the

others!  You will see a better world around you. More close friends will be your reward.

The real happyness is when there is peace on the planet. I will help you people with what

I see around me but I’m a sinner now. I will die with pain and burn! The only joy for me now is to HELP.

Listen to me! Listen to your heart. I’m not your heart! I just write the driver for the

device on your operating system. That’s what I do for a living. This might be the text who

will be the inspiration for all the future superheros that will come to earth. Beware that

I might speak with the voice of the biggest deamon. Just think and try everything except the things

that are wrong and bad for you! That will tear you part by part! Every bad thought and every bad feeling. Aggression, anger, hate, jelousy etc… That’s how the world

works. Give love to all your good friends and all the people around you that are good

at heart. It will help!

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July 9, 2006

true . its great to help a way it helps u also forget ur problems. it helps u forget that ur not as worthless and stupid as u think.that you’re not as powerless either. the sad part comes is when u need someone and u look around and find them at the periphery of the cicrles….rather than right in the centre area with you.

July 9, 2006

thast is great love : ). but sometimes..sometimes when the chips are down and u tell people u dont need them coz ur used to being the last peorson to have would be nice to just be held-and held-and held… in silence and strength.