Chicken titties

Last night Gavin asked me what I was making for dinner tonight.

Me: I don’t know I haven’t thought that far into it. Probably chicken breast and some kind of sides.

Him: Ohhh, chicken titties!

Now that’s a new one I’ve yet to hear. Now I will always say Chicken titties instead of Chicken breast.

This weekend sucked! We had rain all weekend. I’m so over the rain!

This morning I was getting ready I always have the news on in the background. Rain again Wednesday-Sunday.


We might go visit my bestie and her husband in Richmond this weekend. I haven’t seen her in a few months.

She is a goofball!

My stomach has been in knots today and I’m not sure why. Maybe, I just didn’t get enough exercise over the weekend. I have noticed a correlation between exercise and my anxiety. I can’t think of any reason to have anxiety so I’m going to go with that.

I have my Chicken titties marinating in pickle juice. Does anyone else marinate Chicken this way? Everyone thinks it is weird, but I’m telling you it is delicious.

Well, the weeknd was boring and I have nothing else to say so I’m off for now.

Until next time…



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February 18, 2019

What if I don’t like pickles? Do you think I’d still enjoy marinating my chicken in pickle juice? The reason I ask, is because I realize throughout the years of cooking, it might not taste like pickles at all.

February 18, 2019

@itsaunicorn probably not. I don’t think it has an overbearing taste of pickles, but when you bake them they kinda have a hint of it. Now if you were to fry it you can not tell at all it just makes the Chicken really tender.

February 18, 2019

Exercise is good for a lot of what ails us. I hope your anxiety goes away soon.

February 18, 2019

I like big chicken titties!

February 18, 2019

Gavin is so funny…Could you ask him if a crazy Canadian can use that?

February 18, 2019

I hope you have a blast hanging out with your best friend.

I’ve never heard of the term chicken tittles used instead of chicken breast, but it is a fun thing to say.

February 18, 2019

Any good marinade has some vinegar/acid element so this doesn’t surprise me at all!! Do you use dill? I am thinking a sweet pickle would give you an interesting taste too! Cool idea!

February 19, 2019

@e3 I do use dill but I’m sure the sweet would be just as delicious. I just am not a fan of those bread and butter pickles.

February 18, 2019

We marinate chicken in pickle juice sometimes. It’s so good!

February 18, 2019

What does he call rump roast? Ass roast?

And I would drink pickle juice, so that sounds jes’ fine to me. 🙂


February 18, 2019

Chicken titties,🤣.  What kind of pickle juice?

February 19, 2019

@catholicchristian I use dill pickles 🙂

February 18, 2019

LOL— chicken titties will now be stuck in my head too. You and your bestie look like you have a lot of fun together. My anxiety definitely lessens when I use the treadmill, I also sleep better, and makes me happier in general, I guess from the endorphins that get released.