So much for that

I guess Tamiflu is not the miracle drug I thought it was. I thought by taking it at the first signs of the flu it would prevent me from getting the flu at all…I was wrong. It did keep me from running a high fever but I have still ran fever for the past three days, low grade but that is enough to make you feel like crap. My throat has still been sore and nose yucky. I guess I should be thankful it helped and I have not been on the couch all week but I just wanted to feel better and I haven’t.

Of course I have been on my own as usual when I am sick…same old story. I know Jose’ has to go to work and as busy as they are right now I don’t expect him to take off work just because I am sick. But, it is just so unfair that when anyone else in the house is sick they rest and I take care of them. They sleep when they need to and don’t have to worry about what Landon is getting into or what he needs. I can’t rest or take the medicine I need to because it will make me even sleepier. When Jose’ is sick he spends the day sleeping and taking the medicine he needs to. Why do mothers get so overlooked when we do SO MUCH for everyone else???? It’s just not fair. It would be nice if at least in the evenings I could go to bed early and the house would not fall apart because I did. Oh well, that’s just the way it is and always has been and always will be. We just aren’t suppose to get sick and if we do we are on our own.

The weather has been beautiful this week. I don’t typically like spring weather but I’ve really enjoyed being outside. I’ve been going walking with Kinley and Landon after school so they can ride their bikes. The first day we took Landon’s bike but I ended up pushing it most of the time because he’d rather run than ride the bike. So, I don’t even take it now when we go. There are some horses down the road that they like to go feed. Landon is so cute because he calls it the farm :-). One day I took Landon to feed the fish at the lake. We didn’t see any fish but there were turtles so he was happy. He loves being outside and I love seeing him so happy.

Looks like it’s going to rain today so we will be in the house. I think I’ll try to find a good movie on t.v. and work on Jose’s quilt. I hope you all have a great weekend :-).

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February 24, 2007

I could have written this….{{{HUGS}}}

February 25, 2007

I sure hope you’re well soon. It stinks to be sick and know that even though you are sick, the world is still waiting for you to revolve around them and take care of THEM. All I can say is there must be a special place in heaven for mothers. 😉 *BIG HUGS*

March 1, 2007

Ugh, I’m sorry you ended up getting the flu. I agree with you totally on when mom gets sick; we never catch a break and if we sneak one, the house falls to heck. We’re just too valuable. I’m so anxious for some nice spring weather to arrive. Sadly, I think we still have quite a wait on our hands.