My Turn

I knew I wouldn’t get by without getting sick…I never do. I woke up with fever this morning and a sore throat. It’s so hard being sick and trying to keep up with Landon. Everytime I would lay down on the couch he would ask for me to either put another Nintendo game in for him or get him a drink or play Lucky Ducks with him. I called my doctor, who is in the same office as the kids’ doctor, and because Flu has been in the house he called me in some Tamiflu. That stuff is expensive!! Just our co-pay on it was $38.00. At least mine is in pill form. We started Landon on it Friday and he has had to take the liquid form and it’s pretty nasty. So, hopefully with this medicine mine will not get bad..I can NOT be sick.

I had planned on taking a nap once Kaylyn got home from school but instead of going straight to the computer when she got home like she usually does she lay down on the couch and slept for almost three hours…lucky her. Now I am worried that she is getting sick too. She said her body hurts and she feels dizzy. I guess I’ll be calling the doctor’s office again tomorrow. She cannot afford to miss a whole week of school.

Stephen had a very good time at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. I worried about him going but he stuck with the adults he went with and the other kids and he said they didn’t see anything bad. He called us a lot to let us know what he was doing and seeing. On one float he saw Taylor Hicks from American Idol and the band Journey. He said they were RIGHT in front of him. He also saw Al Greene and the band Stix. I wasn’t expecting him to bring home as many beads as he did!! Of course he let everybody have some and Jessica, his girlfriend, took half of them home with her.

The man they went with was one of the people who went down right after Katrina and helped rescue people from their homes. He took them to the 9th Ward and showed them around and Stephen said it’s still really bad with a lot of houses still standing with X’s on the outside showing someone died there. He could see the watermarks on the house showing how high the water was. I’m glad he got to do all that. I am so glad we let him go.

Oh, something good did happen today. I got a call asking me to be a part of a new Pokeno group they are starting here. I’m really excited about that :-). I love to play Pokeno and love that I was asked to be a part of their group. The first meeting will be this Sunday at 3:00. I don’t really look forward to the month I will have to have the meeting here, though, because I just don’t feel like my house is as nice as some of the other ladies’ houses. It’s not as big either. But, we could sit the tables up in the playroom so we would have room. The food is always so good and we laugh a lot. I need more of that and need to be around my friends more.

Okay, gotta go cook supper now. I don’t feel good but I was hungry for hamburger steak w/rice and gravy so I will cook. I have some bread cookiing in the bread machine right now and it’s starting to smell so GOOD. Everyone loves that bread and it doesn’t last long.

Sure hope that Tamiflu works!!

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March 1, 2007

Journey. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile. I used to really like their music even though I thought their lead singer was terribly ugly. Gosh, that sounded so harsh! What a great experience for him. I can’t imagine seeing all of it in person though. It must have been very moving and a bit surreal.