What’s been going on here?

I have been trying to get here to update but have just been so busy and then when I would get online I would fall asleep trying to check mail and stuff before ever making it here.

I talked on my last entry about the trouble I was having with Kaylyn. We decided to do as our doctor suggested and go ahead with the laproscopic surgery so we could find out for sure what has been going on with her. I wanted to know if she had endometriosis and that was the only way he could know absolutely for sure. I hated to put her through that but she was the one who came to me and said she wanted to have it done because she was tired of feeling bad from taking those pills. So, she had surgery two days ago, on Friday. She missed school Thursday because we had to go have her bloodwork done and get pre-registered at the hospital. They also did a chest xray on her because she is still coughing a lot from the bronchitis she had. I was so afraid her chest xray wouldn’t come back good and they wouldn’t be able to go through w/the procedure but it was fine. I wanted to see the doctor myself that day but we had to hurry because she had to be back by 2:00 for basketball pictures and then had a game at 4:00. When we finally got home that night she had to drink that nasty, salty Fleet stuff and that was NOT an easy task.

We had to be at the hospital at 8:30 Friday morning but because the doctor’s first surgery of the day ran long she didn’t get taken back until 11:00. They got her i.v. in and gave her a breathing treatment. Jose’, Landon and I were able to wait in her room with her. After they took her we went and got something to eat in the cafeteria. At 12:30 the doctor came in and told us he found nothing wrong with her…no endometriosis, no cysts on her ovaries and he even looked at her appendix and was going to take it out if it looked bad…it was fine. He said it was a little frustrating because sometimes not getting an answer is hard but I was okay with the results…it was what I had hoped for. I didn’t want him to find anything wrong. Now we can stop treating her for a problem she doesn’t even have. Jose’ and Landon left about 20 minutes after she was brought back to the room and she and I left around 1:30. She was groggy and her shoulders were hurting but she wasn’t in a whole lot of pain and did fine on the ride home. She was starving because she hadn’t eaten since lunch the day before so I stopped and got her some pizza. Then we had to stop at WalMart for her pain pills.

So, that’s what’s been going on here.

Jose’ is sick…sounds like the flu to me or possibly bronchitis like Kaylyn and Stephen both had. He is taking an antibiotic, cough medicine and ibuprophen but if he doesn’t start feeling better by tomorrow I am going to encourage him to go get a shot or a different antibiotic. I haven’t been feeling too good today myself but you know how it is…we just keep going.

We are watching the football game today…Go Saints!! I am going to make some chili and cheese dip and I got fritos so we can have frito pies. I’ll do that when Jose’ says he’s hungry. I’m not hungry because when I went to the grocery store earlier I went by the Sonic and got a chicken sandwich before coming home :-). Stephen just got home with his girlfriend. I think they are going to play some games with Kaylyn and her friend.

I’m so cold…wish Jose’ would let me turn this fan off.

That’s all for now.

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January 24, 2007

I am thrilled to read Kaylyn is OK. I understand about being cold too. It’s been super cold here. We never did get iced in, but it got down in the single digits. This week, during the day, has been much more tolerable. I even let the girls out to play some yesterday. They came in cold, but happy. Talk to you soon.