
There is just not much going on right now. After the holidays and everyone being home it’s pretty dull around here now that they have gone back to school. Plus, I don’t have any daycare kids so it’s just Landon and I here. He’s back on a good schedule now and even napping again.

I’ve been having a hard time with Kaylyn lately. Over the holidays she was depressed a lot because of her stupid boyfriend breaking up with her. Now, I’m not saying he shouldn’t have broken up with her at all. They are very young and I never expected them to even be together as long as they were. But…he could have waited until after Christmas. Anyway, I thought she was doing better but she is still very emotional about him. Then, over the weekend and especially Monday it was like she was falling apart. She was depressed and crying and hated everybody. She was also having trouble with her knees swelling. So, we have decided to go ahead and have the laproscopic surgery done to make sure if she has endometriosis because if she doesn’t then she doesn’t need to be on that medicine she’s on. Then I found out she had forgotten to take the medicine for several days and took four of them at one time :-0. No WONDER she was falling apart!! I am sure I told her she couldn’t do that. I explained it all to her again last night and her mood did seem so much better yesterday. I talked to my/her doctor yesterday and we are going to do the procedure next friday.

Stephen is now sick with bronchitis. Kaylyn has had it for over a week and is just now getting better. I feel bad because I allowed Stephen’s girlfriend to be here a lot during the holidays even though she had bronchitis and pnemonia. She told me and I believed that it wasn’t contagious but I should have went with my instinct and not allowed her to be over here. The kids’ doctors both said yes, bronchitis IS contagious. I learned my lesson on that one. Stephen came home early yesterday after going to the doctor but he went to school today.

Oh, I don’t remember if I shared Landon’s REALLY good news. He’s now 100% potty trained…finally! I told him that was the best Christmas gift I got LOL. He hasn’t had an accident in almost two weeks…he goes every day on his own and I still make a big deal about it every time. I am so so so so happy. I am DONE with potty training forever! He does still wear a pull-up at night but not when we go places. I need to stop giving him a drink at bedtime. Another thing with him is that he’s talking so much. He was slow talking but he’s definitely caught up now.

The kids got their report cards yesterday. Stephen and Kinley had the honor roll but Kaylyn had a D in Algebra. I was disappointed with that because I thought she was doing better and had not been worried about it. Now I am again. I told her I was going to call the math tutor again but she asked me to give her three weeks to bring it up on her own first. I’ll do that but I am going to be watching her closer and checking her homework. I am really proud of Stephen for having the honor roll again. He’s always struggled some with his grades and now he he is a JR and making all A’s and B’s :-).

That’s about it here…like I said, not much happening.

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January 10, 2007

Poor Kaylyn – my heart goes out to her about the breakup. Seems the younger they are, the harder they take it. =( And it seems bronchitis/pneumonia is REALLY making its way around because everyone I know has one or the other or is getting over one or the other. YAY for Landon!! What a milestone! =D

January 10, 2007

RYN: Oh how funny! =D Sometimes it takes a few notes before you realize who someone is – that happens to me a lot, too. Oh yes, we’ve been members of the Mennonite church for almost a year now. =P

January 10, 2007

Oh man, I do not envy you having to go through all the emotions of a teenage girl! I know I was a mess at that age. Yahoo for Landon being potty trained. That is such a wonderful thing!

January 12, 2007

I am so proud of Stephen. I just can’t believe how he had started making the honor roll all the time. Wow! That is so great!!! Remember, Kaylyn went through a lot the past few weeks. I’m sure the whole hormone thing had an affect on her grade. I’m sure she’ll bring it up. Love you!!! Sherri

January 18, 2007

Poor Kaylyn. Sounds like she’s had a horrible few weeks. When you’re not feeling your best healthwise, it makes everything else feel 100% worse too. Hope she’s doing better now. Yay for the potty training being done!! It really is the best gift ever, especially since you’ve had to deal with it four times!!!