Christmas Day

Finally getting around to sharing my Christmas morning/day pictures.

Landon when he saw his Gameboy :-). He was SO cute when he saw it…so happy. He hardly ever puts that thing down and even sleeps with it. I have to wait until he falls asleep and then get it from him to charge.

Kaylyn with her phone. Kaylyn didn’t have the best Christmas thanks to her stupid boyfriend breaking up with her two days before Christmas. I am really mad at him for doing that to her. She was so sad through the whole Christmas break. They were talking for eight months and it was just very hard for her to suddenly not even have him as a friend.

She did have a good Christmas, though, because she finally got that phone. She also got the pink digital camera she wanted.

Stephen with his PSP. He says that’s the best Christmas present he’s ever gotten. He can play games on it, download music and pictures and even get online with it and play against other people.

Sister…she loved it when all the presents came out from under the tree so she could get under there. She hung out under that tree from Christmas day until we took the tree down.

Kinley with her new doll, Susie. The doll grows from a baby to a toddler. She’s very cute but for some reason her’s is not working right. She keeps falling asleep and won’t stay awake. I think maybe I don’t have the right kind of batteries in her or something. That dang doll cost too much not to be working. I suggested we trade her in for one that works but she started crying and begging me not to. She said she doesn’t care if she ever wakes up again just please don’t take her back. So, she still has her but it makes me sick everytime I see her just laying there asleep.

I love this picture :-).

It was a really good day!!

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January 5, 2007

Aw those pics are so cute!!

January 5, 2007

*smiles* they’re so cute! i love all the pics. the cat looks ticked in the last one tho. hehehe

January 7, 2007

I feel so bad for Kaylyn… guys have such horrible timing. =( I do love the pics though – little Landon is sure growing fast! That last pic is truly precious! =D

January 10, 2007

Looks like everyone had an amazing Christmas!! That last pic of the boys is so priceless. So sorry to hear about Kaylyn and her boyfriend breaking up. Poor kid.