Happy New Year!!

I haven’t had a chance to write in a few days because my twin sister (Sherri) and her three kids have been here. They came on New Year’s eve and just left today. That’s the best and longest visit we’ve had in a while. Now that the kids are all older it’s much easier for us to be together for that long.

New Year’s eve Jose’ and I cooked a ham, peas, cabbage and bread in my bread machine. I also made a mexican casserole that turned out pretty good. I think it needed more bean dip and less guacomole but it was still good. My sister and I played a board game called Aggravation most of the night while Jose’ played on his playstation. At midnight we all went out and did fireworks. It was very cold! The kids liked the roman candles the best. Stephen and Kaylyn weren’t here because he went out with friends and Kaylyn spent the night with a friend. It made me a little sad because this was the first new year’s eve that they weren’t here. But, I let Kaylyn go because she’s been so down lately over her boyfriend breaking up with her and I just thought it may help her to get out of the house and be with her friends for a while. Jose’ went to bed around 1:00 but my sister and I stayed up until 3:30.

I took the tree down Tuesday. I usually do it on New Year’s day but didn’t because of Sherri and her kids being here. But, by Tuesday I was ready to be done with all the Christmas stuff. I love Christmas but when it’s over, it’s over. The kids went back to school Wednesday, except for Kaylyn who has been sick with bronchitis. She went back today.

I no longer have any daycare kids because the one I was keeping part time is now in the daycare at the school. Her mother thought it would be good for her. So, it’s just Landon and I here for a while until someone else calls me.

Here are some pictures from Christmas. I have been meaning to post them but just haven’t had time.

This one was taken here at our house before we left to go to my Dad’s house on Christmas Eve.

Kaylyn and Landon

Sherri, Kaylyn and Me at my Dad’s house.

Jose’ helping Landon with his gifts.

My family Christmas Eve

This was taken at the in-law’s house on Christmas Eve. This is Landon’s cousin and I LOVE this picture of them. There is only a couple of months difference in their ages.

I have some Christmas morning pictures too but will put them on another entry since there are so many already on here. I’ll try to do it today.

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January 4, 2007

Sounds like you had a good New Year’s and a nice visit with your sister. Love the pics, the last one is priceless!

January 4, 2007

Aw really cute pics! I love the game aggrevation lol