I’m here to kick ass and chew bubble gum….


It’s been so long since I’ve written…

Some things that are going on, Chris FINALLY started school in July for diesel mechanics and is happier than he has been in a long time.  We’ve been talking alot more and our relantionship seems like it’s finally moving foward instead of standing still. I feel more secure with him now and he’s been really honest about things.  I do love him.  

I’m still at my job and since I’ve written I fired someone for the first time which totally sucked donkey balls and I am currently training someone new.  Which is time consuming and stressful. 

As soon as Chris gets done with school in August and gets a job, I’m considering going back to school.  But I’m not sure what I want to be when I grow up!!!  That is so lame.    I thought about that the other day and I’m 28 years old I should know what I want to do with my life by now right?  Oh well,  it’s never too late to start so fuck being lazy I need to make a decision.  I think that’s probably what scares me the most. Making the wrong decision and having to do something that I hate for the rest of my life.  I’ve been thinking about being a vet tech.  I really love animals, but I’m not really sure how I would deal with the dying of animals so that’s the only downfall to that.  Plus, money wise, I don’t want to sound greedy, but I’m looking to bank.  I’m really great at office work and customer service, but lets face I don’t know if I want to deal with people and their bitchass attitudes for the rest of my life.  People can really be dicks.  Judgemental assholes.  I hate having to smile while they’re bitching me out and trying to make them feel better meanwhile they’ve made you feel like a piece of crap and totally embarassed themselves and you at the same time.  I’d rather deal with animals, all they can do is bite or shit on you. lol

I’ve become a vegetarian and I love it.  I feel so much better since I made the switch.  It just made sense my sister is vegan and my mom is a vegetarian as well and it’s really made a big difference in their health.  Chris thinks I’m crazy because he could never give up his steak, but I don’t really miss it.  I’m really trying to watch what I eat and get healthier for me, plus I’d like to have kids at some point in the next 2 years so that won’t hurt them either.  

 I realize that I had a pretty depressing time in my life a few months ago and I just needed to pull myself out of that "woe as me" drama and get off my ass and do something.  I procrastinate way too much and wait on things to happen.  When nothing ever did I blamed everyone else for my problems.  It’s not anyone’s fault that things happen, but I could sure make an argument to that.  I just know that I created some of the problems in my life and I made shit way to complicated to fix.  I’m done with that, I need to start having a good time before it’s too late and I’m in a diaper crapping myself and saying I should of done this or that.  Fuck that, life’s too short and I’m way too young to put off what I want to do.

Anyway, that’s all for now I’m out~megs 

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October 5, 2008

I’ve recently become a vegetarian too! I do, however, still sometimes want a steak or a burger, but it makes me feel good to be eating better. Glad things are going better!

October 6, 2008

Yeah I know…now you can see why I dread the class lol. Not to mention the teacher is a total ass.

October 6, 2008

Yeh! I’m seriously considering a switch from meat-to-not, although I’m like Chris… steak is so sexy in my mouth. Anyway. Keep me updated on the vegetarian thing, and if you have any, well, recipes that could help me, I could certainly use them. 😛 Have a good one. ~x

October 7, 2008

i was vegetarian for 4 years but i’m not anymore. Personally its cheaper and easier to eat meat. If you feel happier and healthier going veg, go for it. Just remember to replace meat, not just cut it out. okay nursing lecture over!! hope you figure out what you wanna do. I realise I am lucky knowing i wanna be a nurse already. ryn: def. go sky diving!!!! xox

November 8, 2008

That saying was so classic. Reminds me of Duke Nukem. Ah well hell, I am glad you are finally starting to get the good side of life.lol. Take care and till then…

March 9, 2009

i saw your note on someone else’s diary about PCOS, polycyst ovarian syndrome. most doctors don’t test for it, they just diagnose it because of the related symptoms : deep voice, acne, over weight, depression, irregular periods, and many other things. However, they CAN test for it. they can run a abdominal or transvaginal sono. if you have it, it will look like a strand of pearls on your ovaries.