Just crap…

It had been a LONG time…

Life has been interesting I’ll give it that.  Since August we’ve gone through yet another car, but this time it wasn’t our fault.

On December 22nd someone rammed into the back of our car while it was parked in front of our house.  It went a little something like this.

Chris and I were in the bedroom watching a movie around 11:00 that night and all of the sudden we heard a boom boom crash crash crash….Chris jumped up and said to call 911 and I had the phone in hand as I ran to the front door.  As I looked out the window and asked…Where’s our car??? OHH yeah that’s right it’s in the neighbors fence just where I left it…  We run outside and our car is in our next door neighbors fence in a tree and there is a lincoln contenital sitting across the street with all of the doors open and the radio blaring.  WTF?  Some teenagers were playing chicken with another car down our one way street and shooting at eachother with .38’s and lost control of the car and rammed into ours making it a total loss.  Awesome right?  So after we freaked out about that for awhile we realize that we’re just fucked and decided not to dwell on it because there isn’t anything that we can do. 

This had made life a bit of challenge.  Not to mention that Chris as been out of work since September.  Which is sucking donkey balls because it’s just me bringing in money and we’re not really making it.  So far we’ve gotten 2 disconnect notices from the cable company, been late on rent once, taken out 2 check loans, borrowed money from my parents, and we haven’t had any groceries for about a month now.  I’m a bit frustrated and I’m really not trying to whine, but I haven’t really had a chance to vent about any of this yet and if I don’t I think I’m just going to explode. 

2007 sucked with a kind of passion that I’ve never experienced before…It sucked so incredibly hardcore that it made me want to crawl in a hole and wait until the world ended. 

Chris had put in application after application and no one has called back.  When they do call back and he goes to fill out the application he has to check the box yes to have you ever been convited of a felony and that pretty much seals the deal that he dosen’t get a chance at the job.  It sucks and I know that people have a right to be apprehensive about that, but I really wish someone would give him a chance soon.  People fuck up, but they also change.  So this is putting a damper on his spirits and mine as well.  He’s been extremely down and I understand why because he feels like he isn’t contributing anything to the household.  I’m trying to be optomistic but I’m having a really hard time doing that lately.  I just keep telling him to put in the apps and hope for the best ya know.

My job is going pretty well and we hired some new people for the front desk.  I can’t say that I’m all that fond of them yet, because I really haven’t put an effort into getting to know them.  I just don’t want to.  I’m not all that personable anymore and I don’t give a rats ass about your problems when they’re not real problems.  I don’t want to hear about how you didn’t get your way with your husband or didn’t get the car that you wanted.  It’s just trival shit and I don’t care.  So I suppose I should work on that.  I try not to let my personal problems interfer with my job.  I do it well.  But I’m starting to get depressed.

I’m ready for life to get better and I’m holding out hope that 2008 will be the year that it will.  I don’t have much to look forward to these days and I know that’s partly my fault for not putting any goals to meet.  I have to get back to school (although I don’t know what for).  It has to get better…

We got home this evening and our neighbor came to our door saying that there was a county cop asking about Chris and that of course is freaking me out.  I don’t know what that would be about.  And the cop didn’t leave anything on our door to call or anything. I suppose we’ll find out soon enough right?

I think that’s all I have to say right now…I’m off to freak out and be by myself…

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