Week from hell

Well, I’m back.

This week has been the week from hell.  First off lets just start with this past weekend.  I had Friday off and low and behold my in-laws decided that would be a wonderful time to come down and spend the weekend.  Which meant after I worked until 10:00 on Thursday evening I had to come home and clean like a crazy bitch.  You don’t want people to come to a cluttered house and think you’re gross.  So around 3:30 a.m. I decided we could finish what was left the next day.  We woke up LATE…….I was freaking out.  We still had to go to the grocery and finish cleaning, not to mention that the cable guy was coming that day to hook up the new phone.  It was not starting out to be a wonderful day.  I was bitchy.  🙂  Imagine that.  So we went to the store super quick, I didn’t have time to make a list, so we were flying by the seat of our pants.  We forgot things, but  I thought they were things we could just come back for.

Got home starting cleaning with the quickness.  Cable guy came and hooked up the phone, so Chris decided to call them and see how far away they were, turns out they overslept as well……they were still pretty far away.  RELIEF.  So they got here and started spazing out.  We just kind of relaxed Friday night.  Saturday I woke up and my stomach was a little upset so I was going pretty slow that morning, but these people wake up a the butt crack of dawn and are ready to go go go go.  It’s so annoying.  It seemed like all they did was complain about what we didn’t get at the grocery.  We don’t have alot of money so we don’t buy alot of the brand name stuff ya know.  And they voiced their opinion about the knock off brand not being as good and they’d never buy that at their house.  Well, you’re not at your house so shove it.

Anyway, after they boys decided to go to the races, my mother in law suggested we go to a movie and I thought that’d be ok.  At least we wouldn’t have to talk.  We got to the movies and it turns out she didn’t have any money…no card…nothin’….I was like, ok.  So I paid for hers as well, which wasn’t a big deal, but we didn’t really have the extra $$.  We walk into the movie area and she’s all wanting popcorn and shit.  I was like WTF??  So I spent another $23 on that crap.  Thank god the movie was good.  We got home and just watched TV after that.  The guys got back and seemed to have had a good time.  They went to bed and Chris and I talked for awhile.  He ended up paying for everything at the race thing too.  I was a bit put off by this because they’re putting in a in ground pool at their house and just bought a new truck and all this shit.  And they’re sitting there saying that all they brought for money was enough for gas here and back.  We even had to buy her cigs……………

Meanwhile, I called my mother Friday night and she tells me that my aunt died Wednesday night and the Funeral was Saturday.  I was like alright.  I sent some flowers and all that because my in laws were here and I didn’t want to be rude and leave.  Although I didn’t think it was rude to go to a funeral, but Chris thought otherwise.  Whatever.

So they left Sunday morning.  *HAPPY DANCE*

Fast forward to Monday.  My cat was looking rough (the one I’ve had since I was 11).  She lost alot of weight and didn’t look to good.  So took her to the vet that evening.  She had cancer.  She has just been to the vet not even the year before that to get 2 teeth removed and had blood work done and all that.  They didn’t see that before?  So the vet said he could give her fluids and send her home with some pain meds or they could put her to sleep.  *sighs*  She was ready to go.  She just looked like she was in pain and wanted to go.  So she’s going, and it’s a bit empty without her.  It was so hard to say goodbye after 16 years. That’s all I want to say about that right now………………………………..

So, on with the week.  Tuesday was just another day, work, home, sleep.  Wednesday they computers at work went down so that was stressful.  **SIDE NOTE**  I got my review at work, got a raise, and was made manager officially! whoo **END SIDE NOTE** Thursday was much of the same.  Friday was going alright I thought.  I had made a list of things that needed to be done Thursday night.  This was both for me and for my co-worker.  She doesn’t really do much and I was told to keep her busy.  This has been a struggle every since the other manager got fired.  So while she was standing there doing nothing I asked her if she would please do the mailings that were already half way done.  She kind of acted like she ignored me and I waited for a few minutes because I didn’t want to be pushy.  She came down and started on them.  She had an attitude about it but oh well.  She they turned to me and was like I have a question for you, and asked, "Why are you acted like you’re my boss and asking me to do things?"  To which I replied well I was put in charge up front and stuff just needs to get done that’s all.  I wasn’t rude about asking her, I even said please. So WTF was her prob.  She got all quite and was pissed off.  Apparently no one told her in her review that I was put in charge up front.  That kind of pissed me off. After she went out to smoke she came back and acted as if everything was fine though.  So I didn’t think much about it.

Went home that night and Chris and I decided neither of us wanted to cook so we thought Applebee’s sounded nice and put in a take out order.  So we thought Ben(our dog) might want to go on a car ride so we took him with.  Got the food and headed back home.  Wouldn’t you know that the one fucking time we take the dog with we pull up to the house and there is some stray running around in our front yard.  Great.  So I told Chris to pull around back to the garage and I’d go in the front and unlock the back door. That way we wouldn’t have to deal with the fact that Ben hates other dogs.  Seemed like a great plan.  So I go in and come out the back and in the alley I see our car…..and a BIG FUCKING CLOUD OF BLACK SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The fucking car was on fire.  I mean fire.  Flames shooting out kind of fire, not just smoking.  I heard Chris and I was running through the back yard towards him, but I didn’t see Ben.  I started freaking out.  Well the doors on the car automatically lock when it’s put into motion.  Well as soon as fire shot out of the hood Chris jumped out of the car, didn’t really think about hitting the unlock button.  He tried to open the back door and couldn’t.  Of course by now the car is filling up with smoke and the dog is freaking out because Chris is freaking out outside the car.  I come around the corner and Chris was like I have to go back in the car and I was like….

……AHHHHHHHHHHH……….so he got back in the car, burnt his arm unlocking the door, grabbed Ben and ran towards the fence in the back and pretty much launched to dog over it.  Ben took off like a bat out of hell towards the house and by now I’m up at door in back calling 911.  By now people in the neighborhood are gathering and pointing at the car in the alley.  It was wonderful.  They fire department came and put my car out, and now it sits in the back, blackened.  I was just glad no one was seriously hurt and that the fire didn’t spread. 

I got to work yesterday and my co-worker wasn’t there yet.  She was supposed to be there before I was.  It’s a good thing I got there early.  Because little miss sunshine didn’t bother to show up or call.  I suppose that’s her way of really telling me how much she loves me 🙂  Believe me there are worse things in this world than me.  Now neither her or her husband has a job.  Real winners.  Fuck it.  I’ll finish that story later, this entry has gone on way too long and if you made it to the end then you’re truly a trooper.  I’m out.

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July 25, 2007

A real trooper huh…Yeap that is me. Damn it just when I think I have it rough, you seem to one up me..lol. Keep hanging in there..And do you have any idea what cause the car fire?? Take care and till then…

July 31, 2007

just wanted to say “hi”. i am going to write a new entry as soon as this computer cooperates. take care.