
Ok, so life is interesting.

I got my car repo’d on Monday which was an experience I’ve never had before and I’m not really sure what to do about it either.  I would like to get the car back which I don’t know if that’s something that you’re allowed to do once you pay what is owed or what.  If so then I could pay it when I get paid tomorrow.  Then again I’m not sure if when they do that if it’s just gone for good.  Hmm…I shall call and find out I suppose.

I had Tuesday off which didn’t really help much because I was really depressed about the car thing and it would’ve been better to be at work than at home with my unemployed husband which I felt myself blaming him for the entire thing anyway.  Grr.  So I took some of it out on him and I’m not saying I wasn’t bitchy because lets face it I WAS A BITCH.  It made me feel better for a minute.  What an awful thing to admit.  But it did.  He wasn’t being a nice guy either so I suppose we were both just frustrated and out of it.  So I picked myself up and said fuck this and got on the computer and sent out his resume to a MILLION people.  Hoping that something would come of it.  He hadn’t sent out one resume the entire time he’s been home and I just don’t think it’s my responsibility to baby him all the time.  You have to be proactive in your own life at some point right?  I guess not.  He said he didn’t know how to do it or else he would’ve.  I don’t buy it, but nonetheless I did it for him.  Guess what.

Today around noon a company called and wanted him to interview at 2 p.m.  He called me in a panic at work and I told him he’d be fine.  So he went to the interview.  HE GOT THE JOB. Holy crap.  The great thing is that the company is affiliated with his school and will pay for it.  So he’ll be able to get back the school and be working too.  WHAT A DAY!!!!!!  I’m excited at the prospect of the job, money and school.  But I also find myself lacking a bit of confidence in my husband.  I want him so much to succeed so that we can as well.  It’s difficult to support someone who you are not sure what is going to happen to them.  He’s gone from bad to worse at times and from great to even better with his attitude.  Sometimes he’s fine and sometimes he’s a real asshole.  Unfortunately no one wants to work with an asshole and that’s why he lost his job to begin with.  You can’t complain about shit constantly at your job or people get tired of it and fire you.  Plus it helps to actually be on time for once right.  I hate to sit here and point out the bad stuff.  He does a great job when he puts his mind to it.  He doubts himself though and then I find myself doubting him as well.  There is just so much shit that has happened.  Trust is difficult to repair.

My job is going well and my review is supposed to be this month although I’m not holding my breath.  We’re  trying to get certified to accept financial aid and that’s a bitch to do.  So we’re jumping through hoops and I doubt that my raise is a number one priority.  Oh well, it’ll happen when everything settles down. 

Other than that I’m just trying to get a grasp on my life and the uncontrollable things in it.  It’s nearly impossible to find the light at the end of the tunnel at times.  But I just keep going forward knowing that it is there.  And eventually I’ll come to the surface for air. 

Log in to write a note

ryn: Very true. I always was the impatient type. *laughs* I guess I’m just frustrated, because I thought I was getting my fairy tale, turns out he’s just full of pretty words.

April 11, 2007

Thanks for leaving the note in my diary. How awful about your car getting repo’d. I hope you can get it back. Good for you, sending out those resumes and getting the job for your husband. Wishing you smooth sailing now.

April 12, 2007

Congratulations for your husband’s new job. How is that going? Is he panicing a little less? How are things for you? Take care!

April 12, 2007

RYN: Well actually I didn’t think I’d ever say it but Sanjaya has grown on me. I actually like him now. Not that I think he’s gonna win but I don’t have anything against him.

April 17, 2007

Damn it. And I thought I was the only one having a bad month. I guess you win some and loss some. Best thing to do is hold head up high and wait to see what the next sunrise brings. Hope the issue with the car is resolved. Sucks to have all the money you paid on it thus far go to waste. I shall cross fingers for ya. Take care and till then…JP

April 18, 2007

I’ve thought about it being an imbalance with my viatims, so I took some yesterday and it stopped completely. Had me relieved, but then it started again today. So I figure I might as well go bite the bullet and get it over with. It’s really not right to have one for 6 months straight is it?

April 18, 2007

Thanks for reminding me to take my vitamins… LMAO I forgot.

My fiance sounds bizarrely similar to urs – except instead of no work – its no real ambition – he’s unsure what to do with his life, and has chopped and changed uni courses from here the world over! Its a worry isn’t it when u only want the best for ur love? x

April 30, 2007