Fucking snow cheetah…..

Chris has yet to go back to work.  He called this morning and asked when the work would pick back up and they told him to call back on Wednesday.  We REALLY can’t afford this and that’s all I keep thinking about.  I’m so frustrated at the situation. 

I went to work today and it was alright.  Not alot going on, that’s the usual for a monday though.  Chris kept calling me and telling me how bored he was and it kind of made me feel bad for him.  I know sitting at home with nothing to do sucks.  He came to pick me up today and was in a good mood, until we got home.  For some reason he just seemed to be crappy once we got home.  I was like ok.  He asked me what I was fixing for dinner and I was like…umm…it’s your turn I cooked last night.  To which he pitched a fit about….so I ended up cooking and he fell asleep in the bedroom.  I’m not going to lie, it pissed me off.  He hasn’t done anything all day and right when we get home he expects me to run in the kitchen and fix him dinner…..after I worked all day???  I was peeved.  But I let it go I didn’t say anything and I even served him dinner.  I think that was a pretty good wife.  After he finished dinner he sat there and waited on me to take away his dishes…WTF???  Then he promptly returned to the bedroom.  Which he is still in sleeping.  He’s probably just getting depressed. 

Then while he was asleep I decided to take a prego test.  Just to be sure.  It’s a no go.  Weird how you can be sort of sad and sort of happy.  I suppose it’s for the best, then again why can’t I get preggers???  Hmm….oh well.

On a funnier note:  My sister.  She was outside last week shoveling snow from out back of the garage.  She was all decked out in her cousin eddie hat, a neon green swim suit underneath her long johns that were too short (she’s 6’2" everything is too short), she said the swim suit kept her middle warm…hmm…and her brown cord coat…HOLY CRAP what a goober.  So anyway she’s out there shoveling like a mad women and she stopped of the sudden.  She stands up and says, "I’m like a fucking snow cheetah, I go really fast all at once and then I have to stop to rest."  Then she sat down in the snow and there was freakin’ steam coming off of her ass.  Literally steam. Fucking snow cheetah. 

Uh, I saw another commercial last night that just made me cry.  It was for the ASPCA, it was awful.  So I totally became a monthly $$ donor.  We got the dog we have now from the humane society, he had been there a year.  I just always imagine him sitting there in that jail and it just breaks my heart.  It made me feel better to help just a little.


So I’ve been thinking alot about life in general these days. I’m not exactly where I thought I would be when I was on the verge of 27, but I suppose life just turns out the way it wants.  I started this diary 6 years ago and I’ve grown alot through it.  But as I was reading back on some of my entries I realize that I’m missing some of my old friends.  I miss just going out and having fun sometimes and not worrying about all the crap that life brings.  When I got married it seemed like all of my single friends just kind of went away.  Some of that I know is my fault because I was all caught up in being the newlywed couple, and some of it theirs because they didn’t want to bother me they said.  I suppose I’m just missing my youth.  Not that I’m old by any means I’m just saying you know how it is when you’re in your late teens/early twenties and you’re just going out and partying and enjoying life.  Now I worry about husband, lawyers, bills, having babies, repossession, eviction, etc.  I don’t think I’d change alot about how it’s turned out.  Maybe a few things.  Like Chris getting arrested, I’d get rid of that because it sucked hard core. 

I don’t know, I find myself getting so bleh sometimes.  I haven’t driven in a year because Chris wrecked my car and we still don’t have the money to fix it, but I still get to make payments on it for the next 3 years. yay.  I’ve got cabin fever so bad that I’m going insane!!!!!!!! lol  I’m in serious need of some alone time.  I miss it so much.  I have to ask someone to take me everywhere I feel like such a turd. 

I suppose life comes in good and bad luck phases.  I hope my good luck phase is coming soon.

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February 27, 2007

Hahaha, snow cheetah. that just sounds silly. I don’t think most people end up where they thought they’d be…that’s life. I’m nowhere CLOSE to where I’d hoped I’d be… I hope your good luck phase is soon too! 🙂

February 27, 2007

Hehe, the snow cheetah thing made me laugh. I honestly, don’t really have any advice for you, but to stay strong. About a month ago I went through a month long hell, but finally things are slowly clearing up and looking bright it’s just about toughing through it. Pardon the cliche saying, but the grass is always greener on the other side.

March 4, 2007

Omg, that snow cheetah thing made me laugh so hard! Your sister’s awesome. lol. 😛 I’ve noticed that’s one of the shitty things about growing up, all these worries about bills, babies, your relationships changing with ppl you know, etc. My list is long as well. Sometimes I just long for the days of pig tails, Barbie dolls and getting grounded. *sigh*

March 9, 2007

wow, that last paragraph…so completely right on. quarter life crises suck donkey balls. oh, and the snow cheetah…excellent lol