get up, get out, and get some

Ok, so here is the deal………..

Chris got fired on the 12th…I hope he gets unemployment but if he doesn’t we’re screwed.  He knows it and so do I, he has to pay child support no matter what and that’s $360 a month so that compiled with our other bills is making me freak out a bit.  I’m not sure what we’ll do but it definitely sucks monkey balls.

My job on the other hand is going pretty great.  My old boss got fired and I took most of her responsibilities over and it’s been nice just to have some good times at work. My boss has been asking more of me and I’ve been stepping up to the challenge so I hope that my raise reflects that in April. 

I have to say that I’m a little frustrated with Chris at the moment because after he got fired he’s been just lazing around the house.  I know it’s only been two weeks, but we can’t afford for him not to work.  And I sent out a butt ton of his resumes but we’ve yet to hear back from any of them.  It’s a bit discouraging.  I know that he feels bad about himself right know and it sucks ass to get let go, but everyone has been there one time or another right?  He just needs to get on the ball and get looking because jobs don’t find you sitting on the couch or sleeping in the bed. (which is what he’s doing right now, it’s only 5:00 for fucks sake) I guess I’m being kind of bitching about it right now, but it’s better than making him feel crappy.

Anyway, I’m out~

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January 22, 2007

RYN: I know ! I can’t beleive I have to waste money on transportation and food when I could be wearing fabulous clothes–oh wait, I already do–they’re just not normally that expensive. Thanks for dropping by !

January 22, 2007

Oh man!! That’s stressful. It’s easy to get depressed and lazy when you don’t have a job, but if it’s going to keep you guys from surviving, I hope he snaps out of it and gets moving!!1

January 22, 2007

It’s not fair that he’s not making an effort to help out. Give him a couple of days to get over the fact he was fired (for the record, I think those days have already passed) and then he needs to get up and move on. It’s not your responsibility to hand out resumes FOR him! It’s too much pressure for you having to worry about paying everything AND organising a new job for him. Take care! D xo

January 22, 2007
January 23, 2007

RYN: Thanks for the note!

January 23, 2007

LOL I think you are right. When I wear my new ones I sneek into the bathroom and work and put my fist into the cups and realise that it is one huge ass bra. So huge I don’t even feel like I’m wearing one.

January 23, 2007

LOL Is that just crazy or what. I’m just strange like that. And thanks for the happy anniversary thing. I means a lot to me. jking

January 23, 2007

Yes, this is the best place to bitch about everything. Well, thanks for the note btw.

RYN: Yeah.. somebody has to stick the veins. I ACTUALLY THINK I will like it once I get used to it! I just hope that I don’t hurt the patients too bad. I hope that things get better for you and Chris. It does stink not having a job. Thank for the note!

January 23, 2007

You are correct! Jobs don’t find you sitting on the couch or sleeping in bed! If he doesn’t want to go into debt and have other consequences he needs to get on the ball! Take care and best wishes!

January 23, 2007

I live in Fort Wayne, where abouts do you live?

January 24, 2007

Thanks for the note…I’ll be fine. This happens about once or twice a month. No big deal.

January 24, 2007

omg that’s so stressful! I hope Chris can find a job soon!! He’s probably feeling discouraged right now, but you’re definitely right about jobs not finding you sitting on your ass or sleeping in bed!