I am the CLIT commander…lol

Ok so alot has happened since I last wrote.

First to start things off what happened with the court thing and Chris.  Well he got a year probation and as long as he keeps doing what he is supposed to then we’ll be alright.  He got off easy, other than lawyer fees and the court fees I guess it wasn’t that bad.

At work………MY BOSS GOT FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ok, well I know that it is kind of bitchy of me to be happy about that but I am. She was a bitch and everyone was stunned and yet happy that she is gone.  Since she has been gone for about a month I’ve been able to pick up some of her slack up at the front and the owner as taken notice.  Which is good, but the bad thing is that our enrollment is down and that means our clinic sales are down which means that our hours got cut.  Hopefully, they’ll go back up once our revenue goes back up. 

Thanksgiving was good I suppose.  Just another fun filled holiday with the family. 

About a month ago, for some reason my real dad got a burr up his ass and decided it was time to get in touch with my after 4 years.  WTF??  I guess he called my grandma and she gave him my work number and my cell number which made me oh so happy.  I can’t get away from him now.  I can not answer my cell phone, but I have no choice but to answer the phone at work.  I’m so screwed and he’s acting all crazy saying you’ve got to get your sister to come see me and all that guilt trip crap that goes along with it.  He never calls to actually talk to me he always calls to talk about my sister.  All my sister keeps saying is better you than me and don’t give him my number or I’ll be pissed.  I guess I’m getting a little angry at her for this because it’s like I’m the one who’s supposed to ward him off and have to put up with his shit.  All he ever asks me about when we talk is what’s her number her address, what is she doing with her life is she ok…blah blah blah….It’s just like when we were kids and it’s sick.  I don’t know I suppose what’s pissing me off the most is that I thought I was over all this crap and it turns out I never dealt with it at all.  I just pushed it out of the picture hoping it would disappear if I just wished enough. So after he kept calling for the month I finally asked my mother if she knew if grandma had given him my sisters number, turns out she didn’t even know that she gave him my number.  She wasn’t happy about that and said she’d call me back later.  I guess she then proceeded to call my grandma and yell at her.  I didn’t want that to happen I just asked a simple question to see if she had and to tell her not to because my sister was getting all paranoid about it. Oh well such is life I guess…crappy but still life…

Other than that I’ve been feeling all "mommy" like for some reason.  I’ve been thinking about babies and wanting one too.  Bleh…not sure why.  We can’t afford one at all so I’m not sure what my brain is doing.  I suppose it’s just part of getting older.  I don’t know.

I’m feeling a little depressed today.  Things are going alright I just feel bleh.  I feel like I could smoke an entire pack of cigs and not give a shit.  It’s been almost six months since I quit smoking…I can’t fuck it up now right?

Ah, we got the news on Sunday that my in-laws are coming for christmas…oh joy.  Don’t get me wrong I like them and they’re nice, it just feels like I have to be fake when they’re around.  I always feel like I have to be on my best behavior ya know?  I FILTER myself. Which is a good thing because I’d hate for my mother in-law to hear me call her son a dumbass for doing something stupid. lol  At least they’ll have a bed to sleep in when they come over.  We got a bed for our second bedroom.

Oh there’s a story for you.  My mom and step-dad got a new bed and asked if we wanted their old one to put in our second bedroom and I was like hell yeah.  So they brought it over one Saturday and we went out to dinner after.  It was about 11:00 or so when they left and they were gone for about 2 minutes and the phone rang.  I’m was sitting on the pot because for some reason what we ate at Olive Garden didn’t exactly agree with me.  Chris answered the phone and had a look of WTF on his face and he ran out the door.  I was like OK……what’s going on???  So I’m trying to do my business as quick as possible so I could so what was up.  I go out the door and I’m like, "What the hell happened?"  Apparently as my parents were driving off someone shot their back window out………So I don’t think they’ll be coming back to my house anytime soon. lol

So, I’m just sitting here watching Jay and Silent Bob strike back…it’s on the clit commander part……makes me crack up…:-)

Ok, well I’m done rambling for right now…

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November 28, 2006
November 28, 2006
November 28, 2006

eee scarryyy! the last part about hving ur parents back window shot at while by ur houes! freakyyy!

December 14, 2006

Damn it…Long time no talk. Sorry been busy as of late. The mommy part is scary…Well not really, but never heard of someone like that before. On a high note..good job on the not smoking thing…Shows you have the guts..OK enought nonsense..catch you later…

clit comman.NICE RYn and thanks..heheh Hard gay is funny hope ur day is great =)