Ok, here’s the scoop….

Sunday I was helping my sister decorate her house and such and I wasn’t feeling too hot, but I continued.  Went home and just crashed out.  Felt icky gross Monday so I just lazed around on my day off.  Tuesday I got up and felt like something you has just wiped across your crack….NOT GOOD .  So I went to work, knowing fully well I shouldn’t have but you know have to make the money right?  Ok, maybe not because after I got there I was ready to haul ass home.  So that’s what I did 2 hours into it.  Thought maybe it was just a cold and I could kick it, but I was wrong.  I went to the doctor yesterday and had a freakin’ sinus infection, so I’m snot balling around, thoart hurting like a bitch and can’t breathe.  Pretty much sucking donkey balls.

Other than that I went back to work today and my snatch of a boss had left the place a freaking mess.  Papers everywhere on the desk, notes that didn’t mean a thing attached to the wrong crap and just in general she’s a snatch.  ***SIDE NOTE*** I think that my new word of the day SNATCH***END SIDE NOTE***…so there she is being snatcherific…getting on my nerves.  Of course if she was letting her ass flap today I’d been lucky I couldn’t smell it at least.  Other than that it was just a long day at work because I was tired and who knows maybe I could’ve been a little impatient???….ME????…never….

I watched Grey’s anatomy last night for the first time and I do believe I’m hooked.  My hubby hated it but then again he hates just about anything I watch that doesn’t have killing in it.  I can’t say that I blame him thought I watch some pretty "girly" shows like dancing with the stars and little people big world…I know it’s crap and yet I can’t help myself……oh well.

I’m feeling very random today………………………….must be the meds…………………..


Anyway, the court date is the 28th…I’m scared, we’re coming down to the part where he’ll be sentenced……what if he goes in?  I can’t pay the bills by myself.  sucky ass thoughts of mine .   I try not to worry so that he doesn’t, but it’s hard not to you know.  If we don’t get this lawyer paid off soon I’m sure he’ll quit.  Life is hectic and that sucks, but whose life isn’t.

I need to happy up……put on my big girl panties and get over all this shit. 

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September 22, 2006

🙂 Thanks for your note. I like your diary. I wish I could watch Dancing With the Stars but I don’t get that channel. I love dancing and watching others dance!

September 27, 2006

aww, hope you feel better soon! Isn’t Grey’s Anatomy amazing??? All it took for me was one show, and I was hooked. I swear it’s the new crack or something. :S

September 30, 2006
October 26, 2006

i love greys anatomy!whohoo!!

November 27, 2006

Hey, thanks for the note. An old friend brought me back…Funny how one person can turn your life inside out…then make it a living hell..LOL. Anywhom, Thanks for the note, and I will be talking to you soon…Would it be alright if I add you to my AIM?? Let me know..Thanks