stop it or I’ll bust you in your sack!!

Not alot to report here on this end….

But I’ll still write…

Work has been about the same, my bitch of a boss is still working there and why shouldn’t she be…it’s not every job you can get away with shaking clients and being a complete snatch and still keep it right?  I don’t get it and I never will…such is life!

Chris and I are doing a bit better, the financial strain is still there, but he’s gone to the doctor and gotten something for his depression and anger.  That has helped a great deal so far.  Hopefully our legal woes will be gone soon as well…they’ve filed a hearing for dismissal and if that goes will on Thursday it’ll all be over…if not then it’s probation and considering what could have happened I think we’ll take it and run….This had got to be it though, I can’t take anymore of that crap…I want to live a normal life and be a normal couple…whatever that means…ok maybe not normal, but without the legal crap that’d be good at least…I told him the other night that if he didn’t stop this shit I’d be forced to kick him in his sack…that’s just pure love speaking of course!

As far as everything else it’s going ok…Just sitting here at my sisters watching shark week on the discovery channel…***side note*** I’m going to have to say that Mike Rowe(dirty jobs host) is just hot…I don’t know why because he’s really not, but it must be something about him not being afraid of getting dirty that I just love….mmm…hottie…***end side note***

Ok, I’m out…take care all~megs

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August 13, 2006

Glad to hear that things are at least getting a little better….I’m sure things will continue to go well as time goes on! *hugs*

August 13, 2006

If you want simple layouts visit

August 14, 2006

RYN: Actually, that’s what I’d love to hear. Unfortunately, my happiness changes from moment to moment. One minute, I want sex, the other, I want a donut. I want what God wants, ultimately. I’m too confused most of the time to do anything else.

Thanks for reading, also I LOVE Rent!!!

August 14, 2006

RYN: i think you left me a note, but theres nothing written in it…

August 14, 2006

Thank you for your note. I like encouragement from strangers. It seems more sincere than when someone like my mother is attempting to make me see the bright side of life. 🙂

August 15, 2006

no day but today…

August 15, 2006

Have to say I disagree with you about celebrities having the freedom to do what they want on their own terms. I suppose it is their right, but I lose all respect for people who HAVE the ability to make a difference and who choose NOT to based on selfish reasons. I go into this topic in greater detail on my latest entry. Nice diary, btw. I’ll be sure to catch up on it.

August 15, 2006

RYN: Thanks for the note…I am glad you think he’s not doing the juice. I hope he grows out of this stupid phase soon. 🙁 I wish my brother would go and get something for his depression and anger..I think those are what got him into bodybuilding in the first place. Anyway, thanks for reading. Stop by again sometime! Take care.

August 15, 2006

The fact that you’ve got the humour to threaten your gentleman with ‘kicking him in the sack’ is just great. 🙂 If you can keep just a sprinkle of that when life throws a heap of dirt, then you can top off even the worst meal with laughter. Rock on.

August 15, 2006

ryn: thanks! I’m sure I’ll have a great time. 🙂 All the best with your financial and legal issues. They certainly aren’t fun, but I’m sure you guys will survive! Just from this entry you both seem pro-active – you see something that could be better and go for it, which is a great way to make tings better for you. So good luck! 🙂 xo

August 24, 2006

I hope things start to look up for you soon. If not you can always hunt down Mr. Rowe and marry him. I have to agree, he’s definitely a good looking guy. I like him because of his sense of humor. And on a side note RYN: The spider is now on the great web in the sky. It decided to make a home in the wheel well of the car and lay egg sacks. We couldn’t have that… so squish went the spider.