yank yank yank

Hmm…what to write….so many things…

My last real entry was before x-mas and that wasn’t a very great time in my life…Chris hasn’t really made any changes although he doesn’t get on the computer anymore which is good.  We got a new to us car because the other junked out on us so that fun right, nothin’ like a car payment to make the year great right.  He goes to court the 16th I’m not really sure how it’s going to work out I may end up coming home alone that day.  What a wonderful thought…*sigh*….I hate being stressed out. 

I quit smoking…it’s been a week and 3 days and I’m going out of my freakin’ mind…lol…It’s just awful, but I know I needed to do it because I had to go to the doctor last week because I had pneumonia…so it was between breathing or smoking…I think I made the right choice 🙂  It’s just really hard because I’m around smokers all the time and at times I want to bash them upside their heads and take their cigs as they lay on the ground twitching…hmmm….perhaps it is addictive lol

Work is work…although I’m not enjoying it as much as I used to anymore.  I still like the job, it’s some of the people that I’m not too fond of.  Mostly my immediate supervisor.  She just gets so anal about everything and I want to kick her in the taco.  When I was sick for example, now no one plans on getting pneumonia right, and calling in isn’t my idea of a great time because I don’t get paid for being at home sitting on my ass…I was out Wednesday and Thrusday and completely planned on coming back Friday, she calls me Thrusday afternoon and says that I’m going to need a release from my doctor to come back to work.  I’m like WTF???  I said ok, so I called my doctor had him write up a note, but he said he wanted me to come back in to be re-evaluated before I returned to work.  I swear your oxygen level gets down to 68 and people start getting worried…I was feeling fine by then, but my word means nothing because I just wanted to get back to making some money.  So I didn’t get to go back until Saturday.  Oh well right, I bring my notes and shit in and ask my boss who I needed to give them to and she said she’d give them to her sup.  and I said I needed to make copies of them first so I did and I gave them to her sup which she was none to happy about because she didn’t get to see them…ha ha bitch…but here’s the kick in the ass when I have them to her sup, she didn’t know anything about them and said that I didn’t need to have them in the first place…I was like what????…I just spent $50 more than I had to going back to the doctor.  So I was a little pissy the rest of the day…fuck it…

Do you ever feel like you want to get into a fight???  I feel like that today, like I want to pick a fight…hmm…probably not good….

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February 9, 2006

I’m sorry you’re having a sh*tty time

February 11, 2006

I won’t. It just pissed me off that EVERYONE at work now knows I have an online diary and they are DYING to get into it to see what I have to say. I don’t want to even publish public entries that have no bearing on these people just b/c I know they will keep coming back.

February 12, 2006

I’m sending you happy thoughts….Ones that will make your smoke cravings go away and your thoughts of beating people senseless fade…I’d say the two things are probably related? Your boss sounds like a royal bitch.

February 13, 2006

“I want to kick her in the taco.” That seriously made me LOL!!! I practically fell out of my seat!!! I’m dying here!! I hope your day gets better. I’m trying to not eat chocolate (and it’s everywhere now).

March 2, 2006

Good deal on the stopping to smoke things. Good luck with it. I guess it is hard, but fight it out.LoL. About the diary entry, well I have to make some people use thier heads. It can’t all be given to them.. Lol Take care and till then~~~ JP