Laying on the floor twitching…..

I’ve had better times…..much better times….

Ok, so Sunday night Chris and I got into a HUGE fight….we had been over at my sisters and he was on the computer…he said he was going to lay off the computer for awhile since I had caught him like a month ago talking to women…so I was a little apprehensive to say that least….so anyway, when we got home that night I asked him if he had another e-mail address because I wanted to send him a e-mail…he said yeah and he gave it to me…and this is what I wrote……."hmmm….a secret e-mail addy…any reason why I’ve never gotten this one are you hiding somethings???…any answers???"….he opened his e-mail and I was sitting right there and I say some other e-mails from another person a woman to be exact…I said hmm…how about you open those for me???…he refused and got really pissed off so I took my lap top before he signed out and was going to read them…so I thought…he grabbed it out of my hand and was really po’d and slammed my lap top on the floor…completely broke it in two…busted the screen and everything…in the process of his little fit he got my hand mixed up and cut the inside of it in between my thumb and first finger…really hurt like a bitch…I was extremely pissed at this point…I was like wtf???  If you wanna go fuck someone else then go for it…get the fuck out….and if you don’t then why are you lying to me??? What is the point of all this…I’m not a stupid bitch…if you don’t think I’m good enough then move the fuck on I love you, but I don’t need this shit….He got dressed and acted as though he was going to leave like I was going to RUN after him…I was like bye…

He turned around and was all like I don’t wanna leave…I don’t know what is wrong….and I just sat on the bed watching tv…I couldn’t snap myself out of it there I sat watching forrest gump while he spilled his guts out to me…what was wrong with me…It was like I was in some sort of I can’t believe it trance or something….just sat there not saying a word…he lit me a cig and I smoked it…still didn’t say anything…he took the dog out…and I still just sat there rocking back and forth as if I had no sense what so ever….I don’t know….he sat down beside me on the bed and just looked at me for awhile…I did nothing and said nothing…I couldn’t…he said Megan….Megan…I was like hmmm???….he said, I don’t know how to say it….I need help….real help…I’m just stressed out about everything and I don’t know how to deal….he was crying at this point and I still just sat there….he’s sobbing and I had no emotion for it what so ever….he kept on with…I’m going to lose my kid for good, he misses his g-ma….and he didn’t want to lose me and he loved me so much and he didn’t know what he would do if I left because I’m the only one that ever stuck with him thru his shit…*sigh*

I don’t know…I told him that he needed to get the help he was asking for…I blocked the porn…deleted his e-mail accounts (not before I read the e-mails of course, that would’ve been smart)…and I’m going to get ahold of a shrink and make an appointment for him…he has a very addictive personality…drugs, sex, lying, internet….it doesn’t matter what it is it’s as if he can become addicted to anything…it’s odd really….I want to help I’m just not sure how and I love him with all my heart (which maybe I’m stupid for)…but I’ll be there for him and I told him that I wasn’t going anywhere as long as he got the help he needed…because I deserve to have a better husband than this…he agreed…so last night I went over to my sisters myself and got on the computer to delete his e-mail addy’s but stupid me I just had to read what he had written to this girl…it was just awful…sexual things and such…I don’t know…I shouldn’t have read I know this now, but I am nosy what can I say….and I just HAD to e-mail her and tell her that he was married and that he got caught and I hoped that she had enough respect for me to not try to contact him through e-mail or other anymore…she e-mailed back today with she knew he was married and she just liked fucking around with him and she didn’t mean half of what she said to him….bitch…ok and that’s that…..

Since Sunday I’ve had a constant stomach ache and all that goes with if you catch my drift…I’m so upset that I’ve made myself sick…

I didn’t go to work today because I couldn’t get my sick feeling to go away and it kept me up all night and now here I sit writing and really with nothing to say I just don’t want to stop writing mostly because it’s taking my mind off of the stomach ache…I’m so fucked up….

It’s almost christmas and it seems as though this year is going to be just as bad if not worse than last year…I’ve only been married a year and I can’t even get that right…sucking gets really old at some point…I need to snap out of it….*lights cig*…gee that’s going to help right??

Ok, I’m out….things will get better right?

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December 20, 2005

Ya know, reading this takes me back a year. I was in the same place you are (except I wasn’t married). I was cheated on, I was lied to, I was used and I bought into it all. Whenever he could sense I was about to go, he’d cry and say “it’ll change”. It never did. Ever. To this day he still is the same. We’re friends now, but he lies to his current gf aobut seeing me and talking to me. We aren’t

December 20, 2005

even together at ALL anymore, and he still lies. To me, to her, its fvcked up. I’d say get out while you can, but I understand that you love him. So, I won’t say that 🙂 If you need to talk, ever, just msg me. I’ve been there (for the past 10 years, actually) and am now out. I still love my ex, but I love myself more. And you not rsponding to him when he was talking? Thats fine- you needed to

December 20, 2005

process what the hell was going on. If he does go to therapy and all that, you might want to look into it yourself. Its not a healthy relationship (as you know), so it won’t hurt YOU to talk to someone. I have a feeling he wrecks your self esteem. I’m very sorry you have to go through this.

December 20, 2005

Oddly enough the past couple days I have gone through the exact same thing you have.. I came home early from work saturday to find my husband talking to other women.. he also has a very addictive personality.. I kicked him out but of course I love him much so hes back now.. but I know what your going through.. if you find someone to help with add. personalities please let me know!

Hi about all i can say is at least your giveing him a chance so if it doesnt work that wont be on your mind.I hope he wakes up to the nice girl he married and striaghtens his stuff glad your helping him evan if he doesnt deserve it ,it just shows all the more how kind you are Take care and hope for the best steve

December 20, 2005

Holy crap. I went through this sort of in my last relationship. I found emails he and his ex had been sending back and forth…Talking about getting back together and crap like that. I confronted him (without telling him how I knew everything…it was obvious he still had feelings for her) and I got the “I love YOU. I want to be with YOU” crap…And like you, just sat there in a trance. Couldn’t

December 20, 2005

believe the crap I was hearing. It hurt…and because I loved him, I stayed with him. Now, I realize that was stupid, but only because he was an ass. If you love him and you really think he’ll change, then be there for him, even though I know how gut-wrenching it probably was to read those emails. Hang in there, sweetie, it will get better. Hey, at least you’re not some skanky bitch flirting

December 20, 2005

with married men on the internet for kicks! 😉

December 20, 2005

I hate this so much for you right now

December 21, 2005

that’s…ridiculous. Ridiculous that he does such things, and it’s…sad..that you feel almost obligated to stay with him. I know by reading that you love him.. but he needs help. And if he doesnt go through with the help..then I wouldnt waste my time on trying to build a life with opinion.

Thanks for the note i know its hard to think of what to say i know im liveing it.Take care steve

wow, thats crap. hope the injury wasnt too bad. i have been married for three yrs and im not doing much better and i feel as confused as you somedays. hope christmas is a little brighter.

December 29, 2005

🙁 I hope things work out for the best… You seem like a really sweet girl… Mmmm I want sprite and dots…. .::Gurgles::.

January 11, 2006

WOW, I found you on random and I wish I could help you. I’ve been thru this before, it sucks. Listen sweetie, come visit me sometime, I give greta advice and I will help you if you want. xxx

June 19, 2006

Oh hun, Im sorry. What a stupid cunt, aparently shes never been in a relationship that mattered. I hope things have gotten better. *hugs*

August 18, 2006

Hey you, Sometimes you leave your name on my diary…so I read a couple of entries of yours…my husand does the same things…not emailing girls, but the porn thing….I was brought up in such a “good” family that finding that out about him destroys me. I feel ugly, unwanted, betrayed…and why did he marry me if he was going to put me through this…oh well. I hope it gets better for you.