
Today wasn’t a entirely bad day…I tried not to think about what could go wrong and just laugh.  It worked for the most part sometimes I would sit and stare off into nothing and think about crap that sucked, but for the most part I kept myself busy enough not to have time for the bad…

I worked with Co-worker today and Boss had the day off which is always nice.  Everything just seems to go more smooth when she’s not there anyway.  She’s VERY anal and wants everything done her way or not at all…bitch…hmmm perhaps I harbor some anger towards her???  lol

I can’t get over my other co worker getting fired.  I’ve tried to call her since but she always says that she’s either on the other line or she doesn’t answer at all.  I tried to e-mail her and still no response.  So I asked a student if they had talked to her and they said that she thought everyone staff wise knew about her getting fired before it happened and she was pissed off.  Well I didn’t know until an hour after it happened that shows you how in the "loop" I am.  I don’t want her to be mad at me and I want to continue our friendship, but it’s all up to her now. 

Good news, no bad mail today…that’s a first and probably last.  It’s always nice to come home to nothing in the mail box.  Not even a bill.  *ahhhhhh*…….I’m sorry for being such a downer yesterday I just couldn’t snap myself out of it.  I do believe I may need some anxiety medication of some sort so that I don’t worry myself sick….maybe I should make a doctor appointment sometime next week and get that taken care of.  I’m sure I’d feel much better.  Or maybe just everything in my life is finally catching up to me and I need to go see a psych…ahh to be one of the millions of crazies in the world…I guess that would just make me ordinary.

Chris really pissed me off last night…I was on the computer writing and all that and said that I would be to bed shortly…(he had hinted that he wanted some sex earlier)…well I didn’t get off of the computer until about an hour and a half later, he was asleep so I figured I didn’t really have to worry about the sex that night…went took a shower, had a cig, brushed my teeth and climbed into bed…unfortunately that woke him up….it’s not that I don’t love making love with him, it’s just I didn’t really feel in the mood last night…I was REALLY down as you all read…he kept pushing the issue…so I tried the I’m falling asleep method that didn’t work…rolling over method that didn’t work either…he was getting pissed off at me and rolled over and said he was tired of having sex with me anyway so fuck it…*sigh*…I didn’t mean to upset him or anything…I just wasn’t in the mood…but after that he rolled back over about 15 minuntes later and I gave in…I can honestly say that it was the first time that I just wanted to get it over with…I felt really bad about that…I just wanted him to hurry up so I could go to sleep…..I suck….

Anyway…I’m off to go over to my sister’s now…so later~megs

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December 3, 2005

where do you live in indiana? thanks for the note you left a few days ago. I don’t know much about your life, but I’m a strong believer in psychology, so I think talking to someone might be helpful to you, as well as possibly medication. what you said about giving in to your husband worries me. I’m scared that’ll happen to me someday.

ryn This is true. What else would we do with all those Darwin awards if there were no stupid people? ~

December 3, 2005

Dont feel bad about not wanting to have sex. Im sure if he would have been in your position he would have not been in the mood either. People have bad days,period.

December 4, 2005

At least I’m not alone! I need to put camara’s on my undies to track the asshole who keeps taking them. Muchos Love

December 4, 2005

Oooo, days of having no bills in the mail…GREAT DAYS. Too bad those days seem rare, huh? You need to catch your husband on a day he’s not in the mood to have sex and try to pressure him and see how he feels about it….however that would probably be hard….Guys seem to be up for sex any day…heh.

December 5, 2005

Thanks for the note! Come back soon!

December 5, 2005

well this is long. so i didnt read it. my grandma use to say Crapola. my middle name is Rayola. rhymes.

December 5, 2005

thanks for stopping by.. agreed- bosses suck. 🙂

December 5, 2005

thanks for your note! lol @ the falling asleep method.

December 6, 2005

Wow, I know EXACTLY what you mean with sex. Why do husbands bully us into having sex with them, when it’s only going to make us resent them?