ahhh yea….first kiss was a sweet kiss….*AHHHH*


Well, work hasn’t been too bad the past couple of days.  I had to go in about 6:30 every morning because of the car situation.  I have to go in when Chris does so the fact that I have to work 11-7 really doesn’t matter.  So I’ve been getting manicures and just about every hairstyle imaginable until I have to work….I know my job is so difficult huh…:-)…Tuesday I came in a my boss had the day off which is always nice because it was just my co worker and I.  Although when that happens I wind up doing all of the work but oh well at least I don’t have to listen to my boss bitch right?…..WRONG…..She had left us a note for Tuesday of things to do that day, I did as many as I possibly could in the 8 hours I was there, but I’m only one person ya know…so I left a note saying that I didn’t get to filling the vending maching but would when I came in the next morning.  I accomplished color records(which had piled up for about 2weeks), requests ON/OFF, filing, malings, progess, not to mention the opening and closing duties.  So when I got there this morning she was all shitty about the vending…I was like fuck it I don’t really give a shit I did the work I could….

Then I went and had a manicure until it was time for me to clock in.  So when I finally clocked in she said…"You know I’ve noticed that when I leave a note of things to do for the day you end up doing 99% of what’s on the list, am I right?"….I just kind of stood there for a minute trying to collect the right sentence in my mind as to not sound like an ass…and she said that’s what I thought….she said I shouldn’t feel bad for telling my co worker to do something…I responded with I’m not her boss and I don’t want her to feel like I’m trying to be…she said that my co worker only does what she’s told to and doesn’t take much initiative herself so I shouldn’t feel bad…still though I’m not the boss nor do I want to be ya know….

Anyway that was that for work…last night my husband was being really sweet for some reason and it wasn’t even for sex…wierd I tell ya….he made dinner, put in some sarah brightman which I love and he REALLY hates….started my shower for me, lit candles…pretty much being romantic without the trying to get some….But wouldn’t have minded gettin’ some…lol

We’re moving in exactly two weeks……yikes….money is tight….I hate money it sucks donkey balls….maybe I just hate it because I don’t have any of it right 🙂  ***RANDOM THOUGHT***…ya know, I’m watching the news and it’s gotten really fucked up, they’re talking about sex stings in parks…now I don’t know about you guys, but sex on the teeter totter really doesn’t appeal to me…I don’t want a splinter in the buttcheek…people are fucked up***END RANDOM THOUGHT***

I can’t get that damn new kids on the block song out of my head….it’s awful….***looks around for the people laughing***…ohh ohhhhh….ohoh…ohoh….ohoh…ohohoh….the right stuff….I’m so ashamed….lol

and on that note I’m feeling…..scared that I remember that song……

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OMG! You’re funny! I noticed bosses tend to harp on people they know “care” about their job. Notice she didn’t leave a note for your co worker..she doesn’t take the “initiative”…I’ve seen it anywhere I work..Wow…candles??? would love that..I never got that w my husband…love your journal..keep writing..I’m trying to get OD to where I’m writing about just my day..wanna catch up on urs!:)

August 4, 2005

hm…..sex on a teeter totter…..*ponders on thought for a while*…..um…..NO!!! splinters!

August 4, 2005

oooooooo…candles. lol. sounds fun. I think it’s nice to be pampered every once in a while…but i wouldnt actually know. look at you miss high and mighty at work. you put that co-worker in her place! you hard worker, you. lol. entertaining entry…helped me though work…thanks!

August 4, 2005

hey thanx for writeing 1807 peace