bend over and take it co-worker!!!

Feel bad???   Or…..    Don’t feel bad????

I choose…………..

Don’t feel bad…..

She did it to herself, my co-worker…I didn’t even have to say anything to my boss.  The lack of work was obvious this morning when my boss came in.  She worked the 8-4 shift, I the 11-7, and my co-worker the 2-10.  So when I got there she started asking me all these questions about why this and that wasn’t done.  So I just flat out told her that it didn’t get done because someone was too busy getting their hair done.  Well that didn’t really please her too much seeing as she had spent basically all of last Friday getting her hair done.  My boss said she was going to have a little "talk" with her when she got there….

So when she arrived (late) they went into the conference room for a small dicussion…From what I hear from my co-worker this is what my boss said…

"I’m really disappointed in you, I came in this morning and the daily records weren’t done from yesterday, there were messages on the VM from after Megan left, the vending machine wasn’t filled, the daily sales weren’t done, and other things were left a mess.  You can’t just get your hair done for a long period of time when you’re on the clock, it’s not fair to the other people working or to the owner here to pay you for not working.  Not only that but you had 2 breaks before anyone else had 1.  You really need to get yourself together because I’m not the only one noticing these things."

She was pissed, (my co-worker that is), she came out to the front and she told me she was going to have a cig and she’d be right back.  I was like ok….Thing is, I didn’t say anyting to my boss about being mad, I guess other people(instructors on the floor) saw her and said something to my boss this morning about how they thought it was unfair for me to be stuck up there with no help and no breaks and that she was on the clock(we’re supposed to clock out if we get services done) when she got it done too. 

After she came back in from her cig she wasn’t mad at me, in fact she didn’t even think it was me that was upset about it.  I tried to console her and tell her that it sucked, but I wasn’t really sorry.  I suppose I feel a tad bit bad that I wasn’t, but oh well like I said she did it to herself.

Hmmm….what else….

My car is still sucking donkey dick and overheating.  I had to pull over three times on my way to work.  A 20 minute drive took me an hour and fifteen minutes…suck ass…So I had my husband come pick me up at 7. Now…here I am…

Well, I have to go fix dinner now…mmm chicken fettuccini alfredo…with salad…

I’m out~megs

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June 23, 2005

Ooh, you are passive aggressive like me lol…I wouldn’t want to get her fired, but I would laugh if she did hehe…and that sucks about your car…maybe it’s the thermostat if you’re radiator is full and everything…