Opening the vent, Slushies, and Tan M&M’s

Ok, I’m going to vent now…today at work really sucked goat balls….I came it the 8-4 shift which was fine, and my co-worker was supposed to come in for the 11-7 shift.  Which she did show up at 11 but failed to work.  First she went out to smoke a cig as soon as she got there.  Ok, fine that didn’t really bother me until she went back out about 45 mins later to smoke another.  I’m a smoker and I don’t even smoke that much.  Then she comes back in from her second smoke break and says that she isn’t really happy with her hair and wants to get it fixed again.  **rolls eyes** This is the same one that got her hair done on Friday and it got fucked up big time.  So much so that they spent 7 of the 8 hours that she was there working on it.  So, keeping in mind that I hadn’t had lunch or even a break yet…she asked me if I minded to which I replied that I didn’t mind if it didn’t take as long as it did last time…..




My mistake…….




Oh…well it didn’t take as long as last time…it only took 5 hours this time….I was pissed….I mean come on…..I didn’t get a lunch, break, smoke, or even to take a freakin’ piss all day….We can’t leave the desk unattended, which makes sense, unless of course your co worker is on the clock fucking off…..My husband showed up at 4:00 to pick me up so I walked back and told her I was getting ready to go so she need to come up front. (She still had dye in her hair)  She replied by saying that if her hair was screwed up it would be my fault because I couldn’t wait just a few more minutes.  I think she takes advantage of me being nice sometimes….I suppose that’s partially my fault as well for not standing up for myself….I should….but it’s difficult mostly because I don’t want to hurt other peoples feelings….




Other than that my day was alright.  I didn’t feel like cooking when we got home so we ordered some pizza…I’m so freakin’ lazy sometimes…..




***Random Thought*** I don’t know if you all have Circle K gas stations where you are, but their slushes are freakin’ great…***End Random Thought***




Why do I watch these crime drama things….they scare the crap out of me…I’m watching one of the A&E cold case files….I find them so interesting and yet they scare me….I’m odd….




I miss tan M&M’s…..damn blue ones….




Ok, obviously I’m out of things to write about…later ~megs


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June 21, 2005

I absolutely destest those who come in and do not work on their shifts…

June 22, 2005

slushies from circle k rock. i’d like to thank you. you have helped me remember a part of my childhood that may have otherwise been lost…the existance of tan m&m’s. i had forgotten. it’s weird to suddenly remember somehting like that. hm… have a good day!

June 22, 2005

Yeah, blue is a pretty color and everything, but I miss tan M&Ms, too! And you should totally rat out your coworker…I’m fine with ppl being lazy, but not when it hurts me!

June 22, 2005

i hope her hair f*cks up again just for not doin any work. i hat people like that ryn: yea, i got there eventually