Happy F*ckin’ Birthday

Today…..I turn 25………….

Today, my husband forgot my birthday and went to a bar with his friends…….

Today, I basically worked by myself on a really hectic friday……

Today, the only person in my family that remembered by birthday was my mom….

I’m tired…I’m kinda hurt…Chris was supposed to remember.  I’d been hinting for a week now.  He was also supposed to come and pick up the car so that it could get looked at, but that didn’t happen either.  Did he call to say that he was going to be late home?? no…did he call and say he wasn’t going to pick up the car, but instead go out to a bar??? no…and when he got home did he say happy birthday???….no…he didn’t even realize what day it was…but on his birthday I was supposed to do freakin’ jumping jacks and SCREAM happy birthday at the top of my lungs and have presents ready at the crack of dawn….I didn’t even get a fuckin’ card not even a home made one at that….*sigh/tear drop*…I think only children have a ME complex…maybe that’s his problem…I tried to explain that I was upset with him…he said, " you know what fuckin’ forget you, you’ll get over it.  You don’t have anything to get mad about, so what it’s your birthday, and???"  What an ass…….

Then at work the other person that works the front desk with me decided at 10:00 this morning she wanted to get her hair done, which is no big deal…Well it wasn’t supposed to be at least.  However, they turned her hair hot pink.  Which was very amusing at the time but sucked because it was pretty busy and they didn’t get done fixing it until around 4:30. Sucked ass. 

I guess I’m just complaining and I should get over all this…ahhh fuck it, I’m gonna go lay down.


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June 17, 2005

Uhhh ok, I am an only child and I think what he did sounds like a total azz thing to do. Your bday is important and u are too. =) Hope you have a good rest of your birthday.

June 18, 2005

-sigh- men what do we do with them?i hope he is full of remorsetoday for forgetting it x

a somewhat late “Happy Birthday”

June 19, 2005

RYN: Yeah, it is a scary thought isn’t it..LoL. Anywhom, for what its worth, Happy Birthday~~

June 19, 2005

I’m not good with dates, but I would never forget my g/f’s b-day…and on the off chance I did, I would never turn it back on her…I can’t believe he got mad at you because he forgot your b-day!