Presidential Debate
It pains me that people still understand and even accept the showmanship of politics. It seems like everyone agrees that politics is a practice in skullduggery but in some strange deluded fashion, they can still muster up the pretense and emotion to back one side or another. I am always flabbergasted and amazed at the power of these puppet shows we call presidential elections.
Why be so impassioned about someone that obviously does not have your interest at heart? I can understand an apathetic vote for Obama or Romney, but why the positivity about the debate? As if anything of actual substance would ever be spoken!
Let’s continue to feed the craze of political bullshit! Support your oligarchy today!
I find a shackled mind is an enfeebled soul and the manner in which they find respite to such a diseased and wicked system is astonishing. Politics is religion of the populace. I am reminded of Martin Luther’s teacher when talking about the Catholic Church "Not all she does is bad, we have too many people looking for the bad and too few looking at the good."