Bubble No. 75: Update? Could It Be?

    Holy Mother of Gods! It is an update! Who would’ve thought it could ever happen?

     *laughing* Seriously, life has been so hectic/interesting/hilarious/exhausting of late- late, of course, being the last three months- that I’ve not really had time/energy to come to the computer lab (*grumble no home internet grumble*) and spend a good hour writing up the last oh, say… two months? ^_^

     Firstly, can you say drama? Gracious Mother of Cows! My life was a freakin’ roleplay! It was one of those periods of time where you look back with a drink in your hand and go "That was…so oddly pointless it’s not even funny." Although it is funny. ^_^ I know I had to laugh at most of it. (Some mental images will never fail to bring a giggle.) Drama of the first calibre, which Wuffie got to hear of in great detail, and for most of it, while in drama-progress. (Seriously. I was in a high school Drama club which was like the world’s geekiest soap opera, and the last few weeks of 2007 put that to shame.) Regardless, things have settled down, quite for the better.

     Huge news. HUGE news. *insert cheering faeries, singing angelic choirs and dancing hampsters* WUFFIE’S COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! My beloved, adored, idolized Wuffie is returning from the cold area of the Land That Doesn’t Exist (big in-joke between my friend Brenda and I in high school.) She’s abandoning the worthless people who don’t appreciate what glorious genius, beauty, wit and delight they were briefly blessed with and coming back to the cult of adoration which has never failed to honour her memory. (All the drunk shenanigans were fer you, Wuffie! Fer you!) So needless to say, I am overjoyed. (A minor word for the welling delight I feel. ^_^!) Can you say purr? I can!

     Other news: Neko and I are going to have the apartment all to ourselves. Gummi is stranded somewhere in Texas due to the job (which I told him not to take) and Iris has to move back in with her grandmother. (Turns out, no one can really take care of the tough old bat *said with utmost respect* like she can.) So Neko and I are going to have the whole place to ourselves. And the cats. Of which we now have four. That’s right. FOUR. If my tempermental Siamese wasn’t enough. If the retard twins (it’s not PC, go to hell. They’re cats.) weren’t enough… Now we have the Buttless Wonder. Yep. A pretty little Russian Blue that someone decided needed modification…by cutting her tail off… Yeaaaaaah… You can see how well THAT went over in my mind. She wandered into the auto shop Neko works at, was wholly adorable, and ended up adopted. There are some territorial issues the cats are having, but Tempest (named for one of my old rp-deck characters) is Neko’s special baby and quite the psychotic cuddler. (Like three in the morning type cuddling. You know, the type that gets the cat frequent flier miles.) Yes. Quite the cuddler.

     My babies grew up! *sob!* My wee lit’l Laurie-luv and my fluffy Cricket-hunter are almost real cats now! *sob!!* No one told me they were going to grow up! Or that they could! They are awfully adorable, though. Laurie’s now Princess Laurie, by virtue of being the ‘low cat’ on the totem pole (and being a damn pretty calico to boot.) Cricket has become a cling. If you’re in the bathroom, she wants to know why. If you’re sitting down, she wants to know why you’re not petting her. Reading? Naaaaaaaah… You’re looking at Cricket standing on/in front of your book! It’s cute, but she does tend to bounce off of the other chair when I’m in the middle of a Tanith Lee. (Nothing but NOTHING interrupts that woman’s work.) They’re now ninja-cats, too, and they sound like Seraphie. Turns out, growing up with a Siamese makes them sound like ’em too.

     It’s only a few days till Valentine’s Day! *squeal!* Neko and I’s one year anniversary! *is all girlishly aglow and ridiculously happy* Honestly, he has got to be one of the BEST things that has ever happened to me. I’d do everything in the last six years exactly the same all over again, just to get here. *purr* I don’t do the girly gushing over him, what with me being about eleven-twelve years past the eighth grade stage, but mmmmm….. I could wax poetic for hours. (And often have, poor Iris and Wuffie taking the brunt of my feminine delight.) And yep, he indulges the hell out of me.

     On that note, may I take the time to say I AM GOING TO KILL MY ONI-CHAN. That son-of-a-bitch got Neko started on Magic the Gathering again, and I got draaaaaaaaaagged kicking and screaming into it. Now *I’M* fucking addicted! *laughing* However, I got my brother into it. Three games, and he bought over 500 cards. There’s no one to play with where he lives, but he bought them anyway! *snerk!* He came down for four days, just to hang out at my apartment, play Magic and chill. THAT was the most awesome weekend ever.

    And as I’m running low on hand strength (playing on the Wii last night with Neko, Ibu and Iris killed my damn forearms,) I hop back to role-playing and clinging to Wuffie’s digital leg. Cheers!

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