Bubble No. 63: Yeha!
And I mean that!
It’s a good week when you’re getting ready to fill out apartment applications (that look very promising), turning in a resume to your favorite store with a sparkling chance at getting hired (woot for library experience and being an English major!) and you’re getting to hang out with your favorite people. ^_^
All in all, it’s been a busy and fulfilling couple of weeks. Neko and I did the easiest apartment hunt ever, I swear. Two phone calls on Friday morning, after I spent Thursday night at his house in anticipation of a long hunt Friday, and wha-BAM!!! Let there be Mathers Realty! *grin!* So today it’s off to the office for applications! Okami and Neko are both happy about this, and we’ll all be much happier when everything’s signed and settled. With the way things are going, it’ll be one very happy June. Of course, that assuming I get my cosplay costume ready for EPAC at the end of June. Neko’s been making Kerberos armor and it looks awesome. He’s got a bit left to do on it, and we’ll be chasing after him to finish before the middle of June. (Gives time for last minute adjustments, etc.) He looks really cool in it. *grin* And my neko’ll probably go as a ninja at least once. (He looks awfully handsome in his ninja gear… *beam!*) So yep, lots of stuff going on.
*sniffle* My Wuffie graduated from NMSU! I was all sorts of nostalgic and sniffly at her graduation, watching her move her tassel over. It made me really want to go back to school. I’m thinking that next year will be the year of Preparing for Graduate School. ^_^ I want to go back. I just love a school setting. Something about a place that encourages thought makes my spine tingle. Especially considering the kind of refining some high level creative writing courses could give Brandenburg. (Wuffie and one of my co-workers are nudging me to get off my bum and actually compile something for publication. They’re convinced it’s too good to just sit around. I heartily agree. ^_^ I lufs mah city.) Wuffie liked her graduation gift. I made myself a dog tag about ten months ago that says "Freelance Angel, 461 North Elm Rd. Brandenburg, Virginia, Freak Central" and she thought that was awfully spify. So for graduation (seeing as how she’s my devoted Brandenburg player) I made her a dog tag that reads "Anita Fenshae 512 Emerson Lane Brandenburg, Virginia, Freak Central." She adored it, which made me gleam.
My little bro graduates from high school this Friday! Gah, everyone’s graduating! ^_^ I love it. Change is on the wind, ladies and gents! Everyone’s moving up and out and doing things and getting their lives in gear. How can you not love seeing people make their lives happen? I always get a kick out of it. Especially since this will give my lit’l bro more time to spend with me and mah guys. (And with our own apartment for him to stay in, we’ll get lots more of his time!) I can’t wait. Wuffie has a freehold all her own, and now I get a chance to make my own! (Yeah, I know. It’ll be stressful, with bills and work and cleaning and all that. But hey, I’ve never had a chance for this before. Now it’ll be MY bills to worry about, MY house to clean and MY roommates to fight with. ^_^ Whee!!) I can’t help the enthusiasum. It’s just…*blissful sigh* There are so many pros to moving out that the cons hardly matter.
Laters, all! Hope you guys have a great week, too!!
🙂 Enjoy this day. 🙂
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Haven’t taken it off since you gave it to me 🙂
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