Boyfriend material

Hey everyone.  So it’s official. Mark is my boyeeeefriend. We had the best date ever. EVER. we went out in the middle of the countryside where its really dark and took star pictures. and while the camera was firing off we sat in his truck and talked….about everything…and nothing. You know what I love about him?

He sensed my nervousness having to do w/ physical affection and he said the sweetest thing to me. He was like…those things aren’t anything to me. They’ll happen when we’re ready for them to happen…  And the whole date he was a good boy. lol. He didn’t try anything with me.  I so appreciate his respect for me. And furthermore, you can see him holding back, and its intriguing and sexy. It drives me absolutely crazy.  I never knew it could be such a turn on to have a guy pull back and turn the pressure off.

Anyways…we did kiss at the end of my date, and may I add….It was quite a spine tingling kiss.:)

By the way…his star pictures are just amazing.  He made star trails. if u don’t know what they are, look them up. they’re so amazing and the streak of light made by the star actually shows the earth’s movement. its all a bit dizzying to think about and see. Just so…splendid!

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November 20, 2012

It’s great to hear decent boys actually do exist out there 🙂 I hope you’re both very happy and stay this way for a long time 🙂 xxx

November 20, 2012

At least someone is finding love in this screwy world we live in.

November 23, 2012

ooooooOOOOooooh 😀 That’s great news! Good luck! x

December 11, 2012

I’m so happy for you!