Back in the Saddle

Well friends, I’m still alive. You needn’t worry any longer. I’m back and fabulous. I wan’ted you all to weigh in on what you think about online dating sites.  Good? Bad? Ugly?  You see, I just joined one, and in the past week I’ve had 3 dates; 2 of which were with the same person. Guy number 2 was so awkward and nervous, it was ridiculous.  He apologized for being nervous within the first 3 minutes of meeting.

Guy number 1 has some potential. We’ve gone out on 2 dates.  The conversation is great. We laugh a lot, which is so important to me, and we even had one of those ‘moments’.  On our second date we were walking around downtown and there were artist installations of pianos on every corner. We sat down at one of the pianos together and tinkered around.  I taught him a few notes to ‘heart and soul’ and then i played him a piece i had composed awhile ago. It was sweet and he was grinning from ear to ear while he watched me play.  The one downside: God-awful kisser!

I’m talking to number 3.  He’s kinda interesting in the fact that he just bought a violin and is trying to figure out how to play.  So we’d have something we could do together that is unique.  He’s hard to talk to. Usually its not too hard to have a text conversation w/a guy, but w/him its hit or miss.

Wish me luck and tell me what you think of the online world of dating. Adios!


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June 27, 2012

I met my husband online…but it was on a chatroom…but that still counts though right? I think its great…you get to weed through a bunch of people without actually having to reject someone…thats hard to do in person

June 29, 2012

I met my current boyfriend online. Of course it was after many, many misses but I’m really happy with the way things are going. Good luck!

June 29, 2012

Ryn: hey sweetheart! Where in the world have you been? Of course, I should probably be asking myself the same thing. 🙂