Merry Snowtober

Yesterday I had an all day training, then left and went straight to the restaurant. You know what I really hate? I really  hate when people who know me come into the restaurant and act all surprised i’m working there. Like just because I have a professional job, I should be rich. Hello!? Its social work; not only that its social work in a small rural area. Rural area=teeny, tiny, itty, bitty budget. Plus…come on peeps. Its hard times out there. I’m a single girl and life’s expensive. I like to play hard too. 🙂  So I just smile at them and tell them its just a side job…I always enjoyed waitressing in college (lies, lies, lies). Then I ask them what they’d like to drink.  It’s not completely a lie. I do enjoy talking to the people, flirting w/the regulars and making more money than I do doing social work.

In other news…its freaking SNOWING in October. Well…if you can’t beat it, embrace it, right!? I’m thinking some christmas music, cookie-baking, and burning a christmas tree scented candle are in store for today. Merry Snowtober everyone!

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October 29, 2011

I’ve got orientation next Friday!

October 30, 2011

Some place here too, are snowing in October already. We are freezing here too! Really so cold in autumn rather than in winter time! Brrrr … Have a lovely, lovely Sunday! Take care! *HUGS*

October 31, 2011

But but but… snow!!! Come on! I wish it snowed here.

October 31, 2011

RYN: I always preferred the “Halloween” movies too! I hope the snow isn’t too bad!