I’m a beast!

Man! I’ve been averaging 60 hours of work/week recently, between my two jobs.  I should be worn out, but oddly enough, i feel more energetic than ever.  I don’t get it, but ok! šŸ™‚

I’ve been getting up early to run, sometimes going straight to the restaurant right after the social work. I tell u though, the money is niiiiiiiiiiiice.  When I lay my head on my pillow at night, i can’t help but count my blessings.  I know so many people out there are struggling.  I’m really grateful to have not one but two jobs.

I had my sister and her kids over for dinner tonight. I made the most fricking amazing bourbon chicken. Holy awesomeness batman!  I’d give ya the recipe but i don’t have one! Never could color in the lines. hah! We took a walk after dinner and i realized this might very well be one of the last few nights i can go outside at night in a tank top and shorts. I took it in and enjoyed it. šŸ™‚ Till next year!

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September 27, 2011

Um hello! Why didn’t you invite me? I love bourbon chicken.