Bourbon and a Wedding!

This was the wedding weekend. My best friend and her fiance got married this weekend in Tennessee. It was a whirlwind couple of days.  Here are some highlights from the weekend.

*Stopping at idiotic ‘tourist’ traps like the noah’s ark that took 30 yrs to build, in West Virginia. I’ll post a picture tomorrow. It should NOT have taken 30 years. That’s all I’ll say.

*Seeing the world’s largest Rubix cube….not so large…it turns out. I could do better.

*Standing beside my best friend as she and her soul mate pledged their lives to each other. I love seeing the look on a man’s face as he looks at his bride. It melts my heart every time.

*Flirting w/Mr. Inventor. More about him another time

*Zip lining in the Smokies!

*Hiking down through the woods to see the New River Gorge Bridge from the overlook….in the dark.

*Jumping in the hot tub w/a mixed drink at 3am because we were still so hopped up on caffeine from the long drive down.

*Getting up early to go zip lining through the smokies. 55 miles per hour. Good times.

*Maker’s mark distillery near Lexington, KY. We came, We saw, We tasted, We bought!

*Telling the bride, the morning of her wedding that Jon tasted the wedding cake last night, and having her very proper Georgian aunt look him straight in the eye w/hellfire and brimstone and say w/the straightest face, "Well, you’re gonna die and go straight to hell!"

*Illegal explosives. To protect the lives of the innocent (and not so innocent) I may not say more.

*Driving through West virginia at night w/a clear sky and a full moon illuminating the blue haze settling just below the peaks of the Smokey mountains.  There were moonbeams coming through the tree branches. Very few times has something taken my breath away. This was one of those times.

All in all, the trip couldn’t have gone any better. Everybody had fun and did something they wanted to do. The wedding was simple and fun. After the wedding we all hung out in the game room playing pool and it was the hardest I’ve laughed in a long long time. There’s no way anybody there didn’t have a good time.

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September 12, 2011

Hot tub 🙂

September 13, 2011

RYN: It is a really good movie! I’m glad you had a good trip!

September 14, 2011

RYN: Thank you! 🙂