I ran into an old friend. She and her husband used to live next door to my parents. They were originally from South America before moving up here. They are such an amazing couple. They’ve raised wonderful, strong, independent children, survived ups and downs and the many tribulations of immigrating to America. After they moved I’d lost track of them. Then I moved, but I ran into them at the grocery store the other night and they live about a block from where i live now. She came over the other night and its so funny how a 60 something year old woman from South America who speaks minimal English can have such a connection with me.
I love talking with her, and while i do know *some* Spanish, some brands of Spanish are harder for me to understand than others, I guess, because I understand her nearly perfectly. Once and awhile there’s a word or two I don’t get or I get the tenses mixed up, but we can sit and talk for hours.
So glad I ran into them at the store! Do any of you have any unlikely connections to someone you never would have imagined befriending?
Not really.
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I definitely do. When this site was having problems about 7 years ago I started cross-posting to Bloop. In 2006, I think it was, I received a message from someone there and it was like an instant connection. She was 16 and sort of adopted me as a surrogate dad, she was on the outs with her birth father at that time because of the way he had treated her mom and stepmom. I drove 5 hours each wayto attend her band concerts and after I moved I drove 8 hours each way to her graduation and later to her wedding. She talked to me about how to tell her family she was engaged. So yeah, we were a very improbable connection but we’re still really good friends.
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RYN: I hope you enjoy your long weekend! I remember about nine years ago I befriended someone over the internet who lived in a really small town in Ohio, and I went over once to visit her, and we’re still friends now.
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