
Ok, so naturally being a republican I voted for McCain and was pretty dissappointed when he lost the election.  But I believe it was the after the inauguration or so that I told my dad that I was thinking that I might give the new president a chance and just see what happens.  Low and behold the man immediatly the next day did something to piss me off and he just keeps doing stupid shit to make it worse.  First he closes down Gitmo and moves prisoners to the states, big mistake!  Then he releases at least one that I know without trial and sources say that terrorist prisoner has already joined back up with Al-Queda, big shocker there!  Now Obama has reversed abortion-funds policy to allow the US to start funding overseas abortion…  as if it isn’t already bad here in the states but at least here it is usually done in more humane way, even if it is still murder, overseas they abort babies as soons as they are born!  That is murder you can’t even argue about…  And just to keep adding to the bullshit he spews he’s going after the constitutional right to bare arms just like any democratic moron would.  Yea lets just hand over our arms so that one day if by some terrible chance we do get invaded, we have nothing in which to protect ourselves with…  Yep I was right from the beginning about Obama, and now I’m more pissed than ever.  The man is a full blown jackass and he’s out to literally destroy this country.  Now he’ll follow Clinton’s footsteps in cutting our military down to size, cutting it’s funds, our bonuses and finiancial aid for schooling.  Practically abolishing our homeland security so shit like 9/11 happens…  cutting down on the border patrol so more and more illegals enter our country and feed on our welfare.  It makes me sick that no one else see’s this.  People are just happy to have change, well guess what, change is not always good…  and in this case it’s terrifying.  Not to mention that his wife is a racist, openly racist bitch who still thinks Anerica, and particularly white people owe her something.  Please!  She owe’s America an apology for all the bullshit she’s said since the election, the insults, etc.  Hell to be even more honest, I’ve done a small little study of mine.  I am friends with many black people, hell my best friend is black and Mexican, and I have asked all of them if they honestly felt that most black people voted for Obama because he was black and they all said yes, hmmm, shocker there.  You don’t elect a president based on his race, and yes I admit not even based on his religion persay but on his tactics, his military experience, which Obama has NONE, their intellect, political background and reputation, etc.  NOT their race!  It’s rediculous.  And I dare someone to call me racist because to be honest I would have happily voted for Condaleeza Rice if she ran, at least she has a backbone and is hardcore enough to lead the world’s super power.


Can’t wait to see what bullshit Obama comes up with next

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January 23, 2009

First of all…Obama didnt have much of a choice when it came to gitmo. What would YOU have done?! If he let them go over there, it was trouble. If he let them go here, its trouble. It was a lose lose situation. Second, Abortion NEEDS to be an option or women will just do it in worse ways like stick a hanger up there like they used too or even worse…have the baby and throw it i a dumpster

January 23, 2009

Dont you think terminating it before it has nerves or a brain is a better option?! I DO. And where are you getting your information on Michelle Obama? do you know her personally? Do you call her at home? haha You sound rather ignorant about that.

January 23, 2009

Yeah, it’s all pretty silly… What gets me is the hypocrisy… everyone says, “Give him a chance… give him a few years…” Why?? No one cut Bush any slack… why does he get paid more courtesy than any other president?

January 23, 2009

Granted, I think COLOR has been discussed WAYYY too much with this whole election. People are people. It has nothing to do with it. I would like to see you graduate from Harvard Magne Coum laude and overcome the sick boundaries this country has had for so long. What he has acomplished is amazing up to this point and he is this countrys leader now whether you voted for him or not.

January 23, 2009

Dont we all want the same things for this country in the long run? YOu have no choice but to support him now and if you dont give him a chance, I would call you a traitor to the ideals of this country. We dealt with your retard for the last 8 years. Suck it up.

January 23, 2009

It is impossible to please everyone but I would say that Obamas 370+ electoral votes is a lot closer than Bush got. Anyone who can give people hope no matter how bad the situation is a true leader. You are entitled to your opinions, but I think you need to have an open mind and hold off on your judgements for now.

January 23, 2009

I’m not sure where you’re getting your info from, but gitmo hasn’t been closed yet, no prisoners have been moved yet, and the one detainee I think you’re referring to was released in 2007, which would have been under Bush. The Republicans argue that the fact the he has allegedly carried out an attack in Sept in Yemen after being released means that gitmo should not be closed. However, thismisses the fact that before he was detained all evidence points to him not being related to any terrorist organization. If this is the case, gitmo pushed him toward picking up a bomb. If it’s not the case, and he really was a terrorist when he was detained in ’01, why would Bush release him in the first place? Check it out: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/020c030a-e999-11dd-9535-0000779fd2ac.html Besides that, I’d like to see some of your sources indicating that Obama is downsizing the military, as everything he has said to the present indicates he wants to expand it.

January 23, 2009

RYN: My mother IS pro-choice. She got raped before she had me and had an abortion. She didnt want to be reminded EVERYDAY of what happened. Yes, I am thankful that she had me. Most of you republicans are hypocrites anyway because you say that Abortion is murder. Most likely you agree with the death penalty. Whats the difference? If you are Christian, like many repubs you beleive that

January 23, 2009

Only god has the choice to take away another beings life. You seem so gung hoe about the military and war. Whats the difference with that too?

January 23, 2009

Finally! Someone who isn’t sugar coating the facts. This country is in for some big changes and I hope we live through it.

January 23, 2009

Well…we are never going to get anywhere in this. I do commend you for being young and at least HAVING an opinion of your own (at least I hope it’s your own) because not enough people educate themselves about what is happening in the world. They think that politics are boring and that somehow it doesnt effect them. We need more passion in the world. =) Im not hating on you because of your

January 23, 2009

..opinions and that you are republican; because I love that you HAVE thoughts about this and that you are aware. We can agree to disagree.

January 23, 2009

If everyone agreed on everything, then life would be boring.

January 23, 2009

i see what’s happening…its pathetic, he definitely didn’t waste any time at all making things worse. i was giving him a chance too, up until the he reversed the abortion policy. now it’s just not happening for me. and people think i’m wrong for having an opinion and refusing to ever consider murdering a child. i’m curious to see where all these obama fanatics will be in a few months…

January 23, 2009

obama is very good at public speaking, he is very deceptive. i’ve watched a few debates. he can ramble on about nothing, but the tone in his voice makes you think he has said something important.it’s all about HOW you say it.and i’m not racist, but i think he won bc he is black. and nobody had anything to say about how much was spent for his inaug party,but everyone complained about bush’s party..

January 23, 2009

As I understand it, the policy that has been reversed denied money to assist services in e.g. Africa which assist peole with HIV/ADS. So, clinics that were reliant on USA funds to run couldn’t tell a woman with HIV a dying husband and several children where she could go if she chose to terminate the pregnancy for the sake of her own health. This seems to be ot be a dreadful policy … the unfortunate women concerned usually had NO CHOICE in becoming pregnant/infected and in their circumstances their pregnancy might well end in their death, leaving children motherless, probably to live lives of misery is they survived. Bush justified this policy on religious grounds – what a shocking advertisement for his religion.

January 23, 2009

The “abstinence only” policies Bush favoured have been proven to be ineffective … look at young Ms Palin … the issue needs to be looked at in its entirety – not just by reading headlines.

January 24, 2009

A few things: They haven’t decided what’s going to happen with ther prisoners at Gitmo. Some may be moved to facilities in the US, but it’s not like they’ll be living next door to you. They’ll still be in high security prisons. When anyone is released from Gitmo, it’s because there’s not enough evidence to hold them. You may not care much for habeas corpus, but the courts do.

January 24, 2009

What the Mexico City ban did was prevent any organization that receives money from the US to perform abortions with their own money, money they raise from donations. Federal law already prevents US taxpayer funds being used for abortions, so the ban Obama overturned will not in fact be allowing tax money to fund abortions.

January 24, 2009

The ban also prevented agencies from lobbying for abortion to be made or kept legal in the countries they operate in, or to provide abortion referrals. I’d like to see a source on where Obama has said anything, since taking office, about gun rights. Who would invade the US? The US still has the most powerful military in the world.

January 24, 2009

When has Michelle Obama said anything racist? Source on Obama wanting to cut the military’s size or budget.

January 24, 2009

I didn’t vote for Obama either and some of what you say is factually wrong but he’s done just about everything right so far. Granted it’s still early and he’s focused primarily of try to reverse the most destructive things Bu$h did but we’ll see. On an unrelated note, the blue font on the blue background is tough to read for very long.

January 24, 2009

Going with what popeye said, splitting it into paragraphs would also make it easier to read. Though, I didn’t have too much trouble reading the font.

January 24, 2009

“Source on Obama wanting to cut the military’s size or budget” I would very much love for Obama to do this, to return the military to its original intention of simply defending American soil. But I would be shocked if Obama did anything like this.

January 24, 2009

I am just a random reader…but I think you are really getting down on obama….everyone will never agree with EVERYTHING ANY president does. It is impossible to think you will. I am not trying to be ugly or anything but do you feel if you were president that everyone wouldn’t be calling you names? Or saying how stupid you are? The gitmo situation…what could the man do? Nothing

“overseas they abort babies as soons as they are born!” where do you get your information? aside from the states, i’ve lived in italy, russia and spain for quite some time, and have never heard of this. abortion in those countries, as well as in all the other ones i know of, is carried out in a very similar manner as it is here. not “as soon as they are born”.

January 25, 2009

oh, and the above note is from me, by the way

January 26, 2009

That person who returned to join Al Queda, he was released over two years ago… by Bush. So how you’re trying to pin that on someone who was in office for less than a day? Yeah, you’re really giving him a chance, not!