still alive!

Hey all I’m still alive!  Just haven’t been much in the writing mood lately.  Nothing bad going on, lots of good has actually been going on but I just, haven’t written.

Things are well with Tony, went on a LONG vacation with him, met family and friends and all that.  Went pretty well, although his mom thinks I’m scared of her or hate her or something, definitely not true. 

Lets see what else… had a couple summer classes.  Still have to write a paper for one.  Almost done painting my room (yay!) Been to lazy/broke to dance much, but I got Nightlife and Open for Business for the Sims 2. 

Tony got me 2 baby bearded dragons for my birthday 🙂 It’s an early b-day present.  They’re with him right now because I was flying back and I couldn’t take them on the plane easily.  But when I go down next (I leave wednesday!!) I will bring them back with me 🙂  And soon I’ll have pictures, too.

Anyways, time to get back to organizing the room, I have to move back the furniture I moved to paint last night so I can move the furniture I need to move so I can finish painting tonight.


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July 27, 2007

i don’t think i know what a bearded dragon looks like. i’m anxious to see pics! =) ryn: aww, you’re sweet! =D

July 28, 2007

ryn: we have been going at this for eight years, off and on.. and hes my best friend. pregnancy emotions just make me short… well, even more so than usual… im over it now. lol

July 30, 2007

ryn: thanks for your blunt honesty 🙂 The forceful approach is sometimes best. And I’ll work on letting my guard down, see if that changes my approach.

August 3, 2007

Oh so glad things are going well!!! miss ya!

January 24, 2008

where have ya been?? miss ya darlin update soon!!!

February 14, 2008

heppy valentines day!!