so yeah more on the accident

I still feel ok *fingers crossed* I don’t want to have to deal with doctors on top of the auto body shop and all that!  So yeah I was in the lane to merge from one highway to another and some idiot in front of me decided they wanted to be in the other lan (mind you, it was an exit only lane, CLEARLY marked as such for at least 1/4 mile already) I think it was one of those ass holes who did’t want to wait in the slow traffic that was staying on that highway, saw our lane was moving fine, and decided to hop over until the last minute.  So yeah they had stoped in our lane so they could get over in the next lane.  Then some other asshole decided he wanted to be in our lane, and was about to hit the car behind me, she was busy dodging getting hit y them and didn’t see we had stopped and hit me.   I somehow managed to maveuver around so I didn’t hit the car in front of me, barely, but I missed them.

So yeah it was a pretty good jolt luckily we weren’t going very fast (well, not actually sure how fast she was going) but the air bags didn’t deploy so I figure it couldn’t have been too fast.  My head felt a little funny for a while, just a dull headache and I’ve been tired but, that’s sorta normal for me lately so I don’t know that it’s even from the accident.  As soon as I got home I checked and my pupils wer dialating and constricting OK so I’m not worried.

Tomorrow the claims person is supposed to call me to arrange meeting at the auto body shop so everything can be takencare of.  hen I looked at it again, it looked like mostly just the bumper was damaged, other parts got scratched a little b the bumper but that doesn’t bother me.  So hopefully they’ll be able to just fix the bumper, but I have no idea if the frame is bent or not bcause that could be bad.  I’m already trying to figure out what I could afford if I need to get a new car, probably nothing since I still owe money on this car (and will for 3.5 more years!) which SUCKS.  But I’m looking justincase.

Anyways time to go study!!  And yes I realize I am really weird for WANTING to study LOL, I have a whole week to get this done, but I think I’ll get some done tonght!  I need to procrastinate less.  Off I go!


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August 29, 2006

Sounds scary… but at least it was a low speed accident!! I’m glad you are ok!! Walk it off girl, walk it off 😉 hehe jk, if anything really weird happens, go to the dr.

August 29, 2006

car accidents blow, and I’m glad you’re okay. You’re not allowed to perish in vehicle accidents, I forbid it. study hard!

August 30, 2006

i’m so glad you are ok!!!! make sure you get the insurance and stuff straightened out.