I really hate seeing that number over on the left change. This year is no different except for the fact that it’s sucking a little more than previous years. I spent my afternoon (first half of nap time) cleaning my kitchen. Yes, I cleaned on my birthday. I try my hardest to avoid cleaning every other day but for some reason today I managed to clean my kitchen and vacuum my entire downstairs. Woo…what the crap.
Hubby is also on a new schedule so he was here this morning (but didn’t come down until about 0900) and will be gone the rest of the day. He’ll get home really late. So basically this new schedule has me getting no respite except for naptime (which is always super short) and bedtime. I need to start planning lots of activities and get Monkey into a daycare 1 or 2 days a week so I keep my sanity.
Basically it doesn’t feel like a birthday and that pretty much sucks. I just finished Skyping with my Mom and Sister, which was nice, but I miss them so much (especially my Mom) that it almost makes it hard to see them for only a few minutes on the computer.
In any case, 28 feels old. I’m bummed that my family isn’t here. Birthdays really get sucky the older I get it seems. Happy Monday.
Aw, I’m sorry. 🙁 Happy Birthday. I hope hubby makes it up to you. And yes, putting Monkey in daycare or pre-preschool a 1 or 2 days a week might not be a bad thing. *hugs*
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Happy Birthday!!!
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awww congrats to your son. they have GREAT days to be born on. can you imagine how you ever made it without him?!?!? i know how it is to miss your mom i guess try to make memories with the family you have now and enjoy the ride. can’t wait to read your letter later 🙂
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