Now a Word From Our Get a Life Department

Ya know what I find amusing? Some random woman who’s read a total of one of my entries saying that’s she in a position to tell me anything about my life.

The ironic thing is that I’m becoming more and more Christian the better I know myself. Oh no, not that preach-in-your-face, smug self-righteous sort of Christian. More a complex and occasionally confusing blend of Paganism and Christian Gnosticism. I don’t believe that Jesus was divine or the son of god in any literal sense of the words, but I have such enormous respect and love for him and his teachings. Which just makes me all the more irritated when people manipulate them for their own attempts at power – nearly always aiming at those who are already disempowered. The Bible has a lot more to say about greed and vanity than about homosexuality or abortion, but do you see Christians protesting outside Donald Trump’s headquarters? (Now that’s something I’d pay to see).

I mean seriously people. Get a life. There are truly bad things going on in the world. Slave labour in China – kids getting paid 4c a day so Westerners can have Nike shoes. Children starving to death while governments pour billions of dollars into developing weapons capable of blowing up the whole planet. Doesn’t the fact that I like women, or that men pay me for sex seem utterly meaningless in the face of these things? I mean, concentrate on something that matters, please.

Anyway. Had to vent. Done now.

Wow, two entries in two days! Go me!

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May 10, 2006

INDEED! Well said!!