It’s 0.1% by the way

I’m no longer alone in this house! That means I can stop feeling guilty about having 8.5 hour shifts and having to leave Isabell in her crate. Thank goodness. 

Gena moved in for good on Monday. I dragged her over to Sprouts and we baked a pizza and had gin and tonics. I also bought some tequila to make margarita popsicles (and regular margs, come on). Then yesterday we rode our bikes to campus so I could show her how to get her bus pass, register her bike, and pick up books. The book store either fucked up her order or her professors are not on top of their shit because apparently some of her books were still in the pre-ordering process. I had the bookstore pick out my books for me the first semester I was here, but since then I’ve realized how much cheaper it is to get stuff on your own. 

Also on Monday I hung out with Meghan while she got approved for a bike loan. It’s this nice no-interest loan you can through the university credit union to buy a bike. Pretty cool. I’m pretty jealous of her bike and am sort of considering either getting a loan or looking for a new bike on craigslist. I keep fucking up my mountain bike each time I try to fix it, so I’m not sure it’s worth my time any longer. In the mean time, I have a cruiser to get around on. Meghan got a super lightweight hybrid, though. It weighs like 40lbs less than anything I’ve ever owned! Goodness. While we were on campus I also picked up the 2011 World Population Data Sheet. So fun! I had to buy the 2010 one for a class last fall and I’m freaking in love with this thing. What’s that? You want me to calculate the RNI of Poland? Don’t worry about it, Google, I have all the info I need right on this here poster. 

Hannah came back last night. I’m grateful and a little pissed that she put Isabell’s bed in her room. On the one hand, it stopped Meghan from taking it along with the blanket that my mom made for her, but on the other hand I thought the bed and blanket were gone so I went out and bought her a new bed. I guess now I can keep one in my room and one in the living room. 

So much working. I got invited out for drinks last night, but I have to work at 8:30 AM today, so I didn’t go. However, I have tomorrow off so I’m going to the Dark Horse tonight with Meghan and probably Heather. Maybe Cat, Meghan’s new roommate, will be there, too? We’ll see. 

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