random acts of unpredictability

The element of surprise.

Random acts of unpredictability.

      If we are unsuccessfully prepared for the unforeseen or constantly expect that which is not expected, we find ourselves at the whim of anything that cannot be recognized. In a world of immersed classifications and labels, anything that is the contrary becomes abnormal. A society that strives for normalcy to only perform this act abnormally, we cannot easily accept anything from the norm. As if we were all born from different planets, we aspire to wear a unique persona only to have it tarnished by the collective likeness in all of us. The judgment of one can spoil the confidence in another, but it’s a common act we all engage in- an act of normalcy that deteriorates the irreplaceable and matchless skin we all try to wear. I’m no cynic or qualifier of that which is normal or abnormal, but I am certainly capable of recognizing the things in life that can affect someone. One act of brutality or coercion done by one can have no affect on another, just as one unkind word may bring another to tears. The reactions we compose ourselves with, I believe, brings to light the nature vs. nurture argument. Both these parts of life, that which is taught by the family and friends that impact your life or the society that affects you, can shape how we react to certain circumstances. Life is unpredictable and we cannot prevent what we can’t predict. Many of us can predict and come out lucky, while others have no such luck. Personally, predicting what will come next is a constant mind game I play, at my dismay usually, but it’s what makes me who I am.

       In a world of infinite possibilities, we shouldn’t have to "recognize" aspects of people that are different, but rather accept that people are comprised and made up of differences. On a different note, the word "quirk" comes to mind. I don’t know if everybody has a "quirk," but when they do, it’s one of the most fascinating activities trying to decipher. The difference between a quirk and a habit, is typically a quirk is a trait or characteristic one has that almost appears "odd" or "off." The word itself seems to carry along with it a mysterious and weird connotation. I have often described someone as a "quirky" person. These are some of the more interesting things that I person can possess in my opinion- quirks.

       The last time I described someone as "quirky," it was a woman I worked with. On the outside, she was a pretty average person. During work she often smiled at me, but mostly kept to herself. However, when it was her time to speak before the staff, she often rambled on in an almost jumpy, erratic, and compulsive manner. She smiled when it wasn’t necessary, giggled when it wasn’t expected, and literally jumped off the ground when it wasn’t appropriate. Some may say this lady suffers from a case of nervousness or something similar, but I saw it as her "quirk." And this is the reason I liked this lady so much. In an office of loud and dominating women, the quirks were limited, but her quirky behaviors shined loudly before me to brighten my day.

      Recently, upon thinking of this unlikely concept, I thought of my own quirks and fortunately, I have some. Bizarre to many they may be, but normal to me they are…

      When I blow my nose, I just don’t discard the tissue, but examine it first despite the vile image.

      During winter, dirty snow and ice often stick to the sides of the car and above the wheels. Even when the car is not mine, I make it a point to kick these protruding masses from cars. It’s a relieving feeling seeing these wintry mixtures crash to the pavement below.

      When food is stuck in my teeth, I use anything but floss to dislodge this nuisance- paper, gum wrappers, finger nails (gross, I know!), or even a loose thread from my shirt works well.

      Before sex, I typically clean my surroundings in an almost neurotic and very focused motion.

      I sniff freezers to clear my nasal passage.

      Don’t even get me started with the smell of Fantastic on berber carpet.

      I run my hands through my girlfriend’s hair not just for her pleasure, but rather to untangle any possible knots.

      My favorite part of doing laundry is taking the lint off of the lint collector.

      Cleaning the keyboard on computers is a favorite quirk of mine.

      I enjoy cracking my toes- at least 3 times a day.

      The smell of gasoline at the boat docks may not be a quirk, but other may see the enjoyment of something so lethal rightfully so.

      And last, but not least and probably the most strange of all is my obsession with touching hot services such as stoves…Don’t Ask!

      After collaborating all the differences we possess, you begin to see that it’s the differences that make us human- not different.

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March 21, 2009

LOL i remember that time at work… when you ALMOST kicked the snow off the car we were standing next to in the parking lot… and then it turned out that the person that owned the car was walking out of the bank right then. FUNNY!