
Allo chums!

So apparently it’s quite normal for two weeks to go by without an entry now.  And no one even comments on it!  I might feel more compelled to write if I thought someone had noticed that I wasn’t.  Maybe not?  Anyway…I haven’t been writing much because basically all I have been doing is working.  I almost worked today even, on my day off, but luckily Colleen from the Smoke Shop took the shift Melanie asked me to work; otherwise, by next Friday I would’ve been working 12 days straight.  And likely wanting to punch someone in the face as a result.  I didn’t have Saturday off this weekend like I normally do, because I just worked a regular cash shift Friday night, instead of my usual backshift.  But you know what?  I was okay with working for 8 hours on Saturday, because a good 6 of them were spent working with Tamara

Speaking of which, I think someone else at work may have cottoned on to my little crush.  I was on Speedy for the last half of my shift last night, and it wasn’t busy for the little bit when Tamara was cleaning up her cash to leave, so I was watching her do that, and Bakery Breanna was apparently trying to get my attention and it just wasn’t happening.  So finally she like yelled my name and I was like, "Oh!  Yes?" and she followed the direction of my gaze and was like "Caitlin!  Hmm….what… CAITLIN!  Hmmm…." and I was all red-faced and "What? What?", but she just rubbed her chin and was like "Hmm…welllll goodnight Caitlin!"  I should point out that she is Nick’s girlfriend…Nick AKA Tamara’s ex.  So yeah.  She’s likely to mention something to Nick, and he’ll probably confirm it for her.  Yarr.  I don’t really mind though, Breanna’s pretty cool, I don’t think she’ll run around telling everyone.

Oh yeah, and during work…as I was coming down from my break, Tamara was going up for hers, so we talked for a minute or two.  And I was bitching about how much I’m having to work lately, and she’s like "Yeah, but just think about the paycheque!  Your next one ought to be huge!"  and I was like "Yeah, that’s actually the only thing keeping me going right now…aside from getting to work with you." and she was like "And we’re actually working next to each other for once!  We hardly ever work together anymore, and even when we do, it’s at opposite cashes so we can’t even talk.  So listen moneybags, since you’re getting paid so much next week, you should take me out to dinner!"   Hmm….interesting idea.  Would this count as a date?  Hard to say, but I best not get my hopes up…

Please be a date.
Please be a date.

So I said, "Alright…you pick me up and I’ll pay for dinner.  Deal?" and she was like "Definitely sounds good to me." and I said "Yeah, cuz I think I’m getting the raw end of the deal here…" and she just laughed.  So yeah.  I may be taking her out to dinner sometime soon, and we’ll see how that goes.  I must not mention that this would technically be our second date haha.  But hey, if it slips out, it slips out.

Thus is my boring life…waiting for something exciting to happen…


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May 18, 2008

i missed ya! i just try not to play desperate. 🙂 I hope it’s a date!

May 19, 2008

eep! good luck!!

May 23, 2008

i noticed… but i don’t like to beg. unless i get sex out of the deal… lol. and my thing is private now, but not for long. once i get a chance to go through it and actually make an update detailing all my recent adventures, i’ll put it to friends only.

May 24, 2008

i hope it’s a date!!!