
Rawr, children!

Sooo.  I’ve been sitting here….running upstairs…coming back…sitting here…staring at the screen…running upstairs….running to the laundry room…coming back…sitting here…staring at the screen…writing elsewhere….leaving again…coming back…..staring at the screen….and have been unable to type anything ’til now.  Diarist’s block?  Maybe.  More likely it’s that there’s always so freaking much in my head that it sometimes takes a few tries to decide how best to begin releasing it all into this li’l diary.

GAR.  Internet Explorer decided to spontaneously combust…good thing I’ve gotten into the habit of copying stuff as I write, in the event of such a problem!

So anyway, I guess I should recount the events of today.  I woke up in the afternoon, and it was weird.  Just me and my cat here, no one to answer to or bother me.  But I think I miss my mum a bit.  I lay in bed a little while longer cuz it was freeeeezing, and then I got up, fed my cat, did the dishes, etc. etc.  Rinsed out 8 beer cans (thanks to Matt, Courtney’s b/f bringing his own beer on Friday, but he let me have one), did some laundry so I’d have my shirt for work on Sunday, made a little shopping list, FINALLY found the money/list of numbers my mum left for me for while she’s away….all of this encompassed a couple hours.  Oh, and somewhere in there I had some grapes and called Sarah, but she was at work.  I left a message with her brother, and then I set about peeling and chopping potatoes so I could have poutine for my supper…this is when I discovered that the 4 bags of cheese curds that were in the fridge were hideously expired; green stuff was actually growing.  So I amended my shopping list to include cheese curds, and after all my prep work was done, I biked to Superstore (10-15 minute ride, depending how fast you go/traffic), where I ran into none other than…Sarah’s parents!  Her mom was just overjoyed to see me, and reminded me that I’d have to come over for dinner and so on.  Her dad’s pretty cool, actually, but her mom’s definitely the talker of that relationship…they’re both funny though!  Sooo I got what I came for, and then biked home, and maaan was it chilly.  Pretty soon I’ll have to put my bike in the shed for the winter, which kinda bums me out a little.

Frig that was a boring paragraph, wasn’t it?

Let’s fast forward to when Sarah called me, after my poutine had been successfully made and I was chilling out with a glass of Keith’s (my dad’s, I don’t generally drink the stuff, and didn’t want to waste my Canadian).  We ended up gabbing for like 40 minutes, and I’d been expecting it to be a quick 5 minute call…when we both realized what time it was (around 10:40 PM) though, we got off the phone so I could shower and such things.  I got out of the shower and was walking to my room to check my phone to see what time it was, and I heard it ringing before I got there…it was Sarah, telling me she was outside and to let her in because it was cold.  I said "Alright, as long as you don’t mind seeing me in a towel!"

She didn’t.

Anyway, she came in and set about exploring my living room while I got dressed as quickly as I could…I’d already done my make-up (just mascara) just before she arrived, so all that was left was clothes and hair.  I hadn’t even given thought to what I would wear, and so I just threw on a brown stripey shirt and jeans, and came out of my room.  I asked Sarah if it would work and she was like "Yessss" and ran over to me.  I put out my arms at the last second and she jumped up and wrapped her legs around me in a weird koala bear hug.  I bent forward so her head came close to the floor and then brought her back up and set her down, with her grinning away the whole time.  Odd.

Blah blah blah, we went to the bar, we danced a lot…I gave in to myself and had one drink because I was bored for a bit.  I saw a bunch of people I knew, and met some more that I didn’t…we saw Playa Kevin outside as soon as we arrived and it was pretty much stupid from there on out.  Sarah kept saying that she didn’t care, she didn’t care, but I was like "Bullshit, you can’t stop checking to see where he’s at and what’s he doing and who he’s with!"  She reminds me so much of how I was about her in April/May of this year, it’s frightening.  Oh, I forgot to mention something that Sarah said on the phone that night before she came over.  She was asking me if really, honestly, she was pretty.  I said of course, don’t be stupid…and then we got into this big talk about self-esteem and shit, and she was telling me all these awesome things about me.  I was really thrown for a loop…apparently she loves my eyes and my skin, and went on to tell me that whatever guy or girl gets me, should know how fucking lucky they are when they do, because I’m "seriously amazing".

Not gonna lie, it was a big confidence booster.

This guy who was nicknamed Lurch had come out with Playa Kevin, and I chatted to him off and on, because he was tall and we had that in common baha.  Sarah thought he was creepy, but I thought he might just have some self esteem issues.  I did get him out on the dance floor, but he did move very awkwardly.  It makes me a little sad when people can’t let themselves be free when they dance, because it’s one of the purest expressions of emotion…hell, it’s how I get how I’m feeling out and it makes me feel good by the end of it– not to mention during it!  I attribute that to my love of music and movement in general, though.  Some people just don’t feel it, I guess.  Sarah and I left when the bar closed, and wrote with our fingers on the condensation that had gathered on the roof of her car.  We’d been planning to go to Subway, but missed the turn-off and looked at each other thinking "Nahhh, it’s not worth turning back"  However, we did stop at Tim Horton’s and I got a bagel to take to work with me on Sunday, as I was working 12-6 and hadn’t packed a lunch.  It was lucky that I did, cuz I ended up not eating breakfast either and was starving when I had my break at 2:00.

That’s about it for the weekend…Monday was good, but tiring.  I worked 10-4, and I know 6 hour shifts don’t sound like a lot, but when you’re constantly lifting big heavy bags of things in order to scan them and then put them aside, and just doing a lot of repetitive motions like that, it gets tiring.  Not to mention tedious…all the while, having a big smile on your face and chatting with customers, some of whom don’t give a rat’s ass about an Air Miles card, or you asking about it.  On the whole though, I’m liking my new job, it’s just taking a lot out of me.

That being said….I should run along and finish tidying the house and make myself a lunch for tomorrow, working 10-4 again, wheee!  Also, Charles is coming over tonight to jam and it’s already 4:30 and I’ve still got to shower!


P.S. This entry took me 2 days to write, that’s how busy I’ve been!

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October 16, 2007

i should probably admit that i can’t dance. i honestly have no idea how. my body just doesn’t move. i mean sure if im drunk/high/etc i can wiggle a bit but that’s because im not thinking about what im doing. i need lessons in how to dance.

October 16, 2007

Sounds like you had a good time, as usual. And I totally agree with you about dancing being an amazing release! and ryn: That was a pretty insightful metaphor! Kudos! ;p