I’m never speaking up again, it only hurts me


I’m sad, but I don’t know why.  Well, I do but I don’t.  It’s weird.  People are weird.  And apparently I’m "too cute for my own good", according to Melissa.  Pah.  I don’t believe anything anyone tells me these days!  Sarah was a wank tonight, being all pouty cuz Kevin went off with some blonde chick, even though I warned her he was a "playa"…she left early and I’m pretty sure didn’t say goodbye.  Downer.  Ugh.  I’m in a really foul mood and want to cry, and there’s no one here to comfort me except my cat.  He usually bites me when I cry though…like "suck it up, stop crying *ATTACK*"

Ohhhh I’m never speaking up again…

…starting now.  Starting now…

One more thing, why is it my fault?
So maybe I try too hard
But it’s all because of this desire
I just wanna be liked, I just wanna be funny
Looks like the joke’s on me
So call me Captain Backfire…

More John Mayer kids!  Yes, I had some alcohol, but not a whole lot, and the equivalent of 3 rum-heavy drinks plus one beer before the bar, and then nothing more AT the bar.  Christina from work was there, and I get the impression that she is interested in me, but then she tells me tonight she’s had a boyfriend of two years…so wtf.  Then there’s Ryan, another co-worker (kind of), who kissed me twice!  And old make-out partner Tarl, who gave me a savage hickey.  Wtf, seriously.  And friggin’ Melissa.  Apparently this husband of hers….isn’t really.  They’re in the middle of a divorce or something.  Way too much drama for my poor heart.

But at least I’m kicking ass at my job.


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October 13, 2007

well you are too cute for your own good. lol.

October 15, 2007

i know i should note something remarkable but i got nothin. how could you have a house all to yourself and not invite me over?! psshhhh shame on you!

hey hun.. finally caught up… wow ..sarah.. and sam.. alot of S’s there lol! i know how ur feelin right now.. i am havin simular issues… nope i had the chance to live with fliss n co… but got a dorm room instead two weeks ago.. loves it …do u have msn.. ???xx