Titleless! BAM!

Bonjour chums!

Hahaha.  So, looks like my perceptions were bang-on about Sarah’s mom!  She LOVES me.  I didn’t even mention it, Sarah was the one that brought it up when I called her earlier tonight.  She was like "Soooo apparently my mom LOVES you" and I laughed and said "Oh yes?" and she said "Yeah!  She keeps going ‘I really like that Caitlin, we should have her over for dinner sometime!’  And that’s big, she doesn’t even like any of my boyfriends!"…..heh.  Interesting.

Oh, and to the two noters on my previous entry:

TD: She’s forgotten, but won’t ever completely be gone, we have too many mutual friends, and I wouldn’t mind eventually being friends with her again myself.  Yes, Sarah is cool, but let’s not forget she was the title character in the Sarah Saga of April/May-ish.

WF: Yeah, they do, but aren’t they damn interesting?  I almost sickly enjoy the complexities sometimes.  I’m weird

Now, for what’s going on!
I went for a last dinner with my mum tonight at PD, and it was yummy, but they were super busy and our starter bruschetta fingers seemed to take a million years to come.  We were still in good spirits though, because that is the first time we have ever encountered bad service there, and our waitress was one I’ve had lots of times over the last 3 or 4 years, and is generally quite efficient.  We ran more errands, and then I came home and had the above-mentioned phone conversation with Sarah…we both decided that we each had too much to get done tonight and it would be best if we didn’t hang out tonight.  I’m definitely seeing her tomorrow after work though, because we’re going to the bar in the evening.  Man…when I get home from work, it will be to an empty house.  It’ll be weird.  My cat’s still going to be here though.  Hmm, a thought just occurred to me.  He’s going to be even more affectionate when my mum is away though, because he’ll only have me to sit on haha. 

I nearly had a minor heart attack when my mum and I got home from our first round of errands/dinner around 7:00, because there was a message on the voicemail from Jasmine asking if I’d be able to work 4-10 tomorrow night.  I had to listen to the message twice to make sure I’d heard right, because only my second TRAINING shift is 9-3 tomorrow morning, and I was surprised that they thought I was ready to take on a night shift by myself already.  So I called Jasmine and luckily she was still there, and I told her that Kathleen had said for me to be in tomorrow morning, and that Bernice (the other lady that was being trained with me on Wednesday) was going to be in for 2-8, and that I was confused.  She then said that she hadn’t talked to Kathleen since she (Jasmine) left yesterday (before my shift was over, and before Kathleen talked to me) and Kathleen hadn’t told her that she had us both in tomorrow.  Apparently someone else had called in sick and she thought either Bernice or me could take the shift, not realizing that we were both already working that day.  I was like "Oh, phew!" and she laughed and said "Oh, don’t worry about it!  We wouldn’t make you work twice in one day on your SECOND day" and I was like "Ohh good…not that I couldn’t do it, I was just a little surprised!"

So.  It’s okay!  My weekend is still free and clear, unless someone else calls in sick and they decide I can handle a weekend shift already.  Kathleen told Bernice and me that we’d both probably have at least 4 shifts next week, so I’m trying to get as much relaxation/social time in as I can before work takes up all my time.  I’m still a bit nervous about tomorrow though, there’s so much to remember!  I’ll be shadowing another cashier again like I was on Wednesday, but I predict that they might try to get me to go on a cash by myself before my shift is over though.  They’ve been pretty good about not pushing me too hard so far, and I feel like I’m getting the hang of things pretty quickly, thanks to like 4 huge orders in a row (one of which had a bazillion discount items that had to be cleared by my supervisor each time, as soon as the $10 limit was reached) coming through my cash almost as soon as I was put on cash on Wednesday. 

Random, interesting fact: A book of puzzles is the first thing I’ve seen that is the same price in the US and Canada, thanks to our soaring loonie.  O Canada!! *beams proudly*


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October 11, 2007

taking cash is always fun. or maybe i just think its fun ’cause that’s what i do. the discount thing seriously annoys the hell out of me though. it’s like ‘i need a senior discount here’ and im like ‘uh ma’am you don’t get a discount on the early bird’ and then the old lady argues with me. actually i had a guy yell at me today. because the my screen prompts you to ask the costumer debit orcredit. if it’s debit you can leave a tip on the card. and well he got pissed off that i was asking him if he would like to leave a tip on his card. he was all ‘why do you guys ask that? it’s personal. it says it right here on the machine. so stop, let the machine do it.’ and im all ‘dude the screen tells me to.’ and he’s all ‘well stop.’ grr. people. anyway. have fun working! and hanging out!