
Hey kids!

Grace called!  I just got off the phone with her, we talked for a little over an hour…and it was just really awesome to hear her voice.  I know that the last time I saw her was only the first weekend of September, and October’s just barely started, but I’ve missed her!  We’ve both changed a lot since the first time we met a couple years ago, I think.  She’s already starting to drift apart from the friends she had in high school (one of whom is Alicia’s sister, Jennifer, and is also her roommate), who are still very much in the high school mentality, and will probably continue to be for a while.  I’ve always considered Grace different from the people she hung out with, she definitely matured long before them…or at a faster rate, rather.  I’m sure they will eventually mature, but it’ll be some time yet.  Hell, I can still be immature, and there are no doubt tons of senior citizens that act like children! 

But yes, she’s definitely letting more of herself show through, and I’m glad…I love talking to her, because I can say serious things and she can can respond with more than "oh…yeah….oooh I know".  Can you tell I value a really solid, intellectual conversation??

Don’t get me wrong; farts are funny.

I just definitely appreciate when people can acknowledge me for what’s inside my head, beyond the friendly face and the jokes.  Yup.  I’m in a good mood, Grace’s call really made me happy!  I don’t know if I’ll get to see her before she goes back to school on Tuesday, but I’m hoping to.  Also, Sarah was supposed to call me and we were gonna have a coffee chat tonight, and she hasn’t yet, so I’m thinking it’s a no-go.  I talked to her for maybe 5 minutes this afternoon and she mentioned seeing Nigel yesterday, and that he had kissed her…and also that Nathan had kissed her on the cheek when she dropped him off, which didn’t surprise me at all, he’s a friendly guy and I think he’s had a crush on her on and off since he met her.  I really like Nathan, and I don’t want Sarah to hurt him, which is what I think is going to happen if things continue the way they normally do with her.  I pointed out that I had kissed her on the cheek as well, at Subway, but mine was totally innocent.  She said that Nigel had just kinda…kissed her out of nowhere, and I was like "Well did you stop it?" and I think she said "no" or its equivalent, so…she’s not blameless if anyone ends up thinking she’s leading them on.  It’s kinda what she does.  I speak from experience here, and also a different perspective since said experience.  I’m more on the outside looking in now, and I can see what she does to people, and sometimes it’s hard to feel sorry for her.  Maybe that sounds a little cold, but….I dunno.  I saw this coming, as soon as she mentioned Nigel was back…and then starting mentioning various other guys over the next couple of months…I mentally thought "She’s going to destroy every single one of them in one way or another, and will get exactly what she wants out of each case", and now it seems my predictions were pretty accurate.  That’s the main reason it sucks that I didn’t get to talk to her tonight, because she seems to be more willing to listen to what I have to say lately.  She’s almost….looking to me for guidance, in some strange way.

It’s 11:37 PM and I think I wanna just go veg in front of the TV!  I missed the new Family Guy earlier because I was talking to Grace, and I’m hoping it’ll be repeated!

Love you all, take care!


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October 8, 2007

remind me on who grace is again. you have so many girls running around it’s hard to keep ’em all straight. oh hehe… sorry i didn’t mean it to sound like that. but you know what i mean.

October 8, 2007

ryn: the other job was all messed up. they wanted me at the other store and i dont drive, so i never bothered with the interview. things with missi are the same as always. except she posted two myspace bulletins asking, ” what if i liked you what would your reaction be in the ultimate? everyone answer.” and then this one, “If I Was Your Girlfriend?” complete with questions like ‘howmany times a day would you kiss me?’ so now im wondering if this is my way in. and if i should respond, truthfully and honestly. or ignore it. or respond but make it kinda funny and not so honest? i dont know what to do! urgh. women are so complicated.